Lineboats in Norway under 20m in

List number 3. Good fishing in norway for the lineboats that are under 20 meters long now in may. Örsvag still number 1 and was now with 42,1 ton sin 8 trips. Selma dröfn has started fishing and starts wll 68,4 tons in just 4 trips. Föniks 45,4 tons in 3. Live Elise 21,2 tons in 6. Smabeakken 11,8 ...
Pelagic ship in, year 2021
Gillnet boat up to 20 in
Trawlers in Norway , year 2021. list nr 10

List number 10,. now have 4 trawlers in norway fish over 5000 tons each, and all of these trawlers are freezer trawlers. Gadus Podeidon was with 319 tons in 2 tri. Gadus Neptun 928 tons in 2. Nordtind 302 tons in 1. Molnes 468 tons in 1. J,bergvoll 325 tons in 1. Batsfjord 450 ton sin 2. Tönsens 348 ...
Norsk pelagic ship over 50

List number 11. All of the ships that are fishing now on this list are fishing tobis and have now fish 70.000 tons of tobis. and in total 421.000 tons,. Now have 8 ships fish over 10.000 tons and Gerda Marie was with 1747 tons in 1 trips and is still number 1 with almost 18.000 tons. Harvest 2521 ...
Lineboats in Norway under 20m in
Bigboats in Norway year 2021, nr.10
Lineboats in Norway under 20m in
Gillnet boat up to 20 in

List number 1. in may. many new names on this first list and most of that is smaller boats. but what is most surprising is the boats that is now in seat number 2. . John Yngve this boat is only 9 meters long and has fish now 21,6 tons in 3 trips, and starts this first list in may in seat number 2. ...
Gillnet boat up to 20 in
Lineboats in Norway under 20m in

List number 5. Final list for april. only one lineboa under 20 meters did fish over 100 tons in april. Ingvaldson was with 50,8 tons in 6 trips and with that ended with 114,1 tons. Odd Egil 19,6 tons í 5. Olafur II 25,4 tons in 3. Regate that is only 9 meters long boat did pretty good, ended with ...
Svanesund Ö-19-F

In Norway there are many trawlers, and here on we can see list of the trawlers and how they are fishing. but not all the trawlers ore boats that are fishing with trawl are big . many small boats that are under 11 meters long are fishing shrimp with trawl. one of them is Svanesund ...
Trawlers in Norway , year 2021. list nr 9

List number 9. Now have 2 trawlers in Norway fish over 5000 tonns. and 11 trawlers have fish over 4000 tons. Atlantic Star was with 1524 tons in 2 trips. Havbryn 985 tons in 1. Nordstar 837 tons in 1. Hermes 769 tons in 1. Victoria May 70,7 tons in 4 and this boat is not freezing the fish. Sjövik ...
Veidar M-1-G, almost 1000 tons in one trip

In Iceland now there is a boat that name is Þórsnes SH. Þórsnes SH has been fishing with autoline and gillnet and when the boat has been fishing with gillnet the boat has mostly been. fishing cod in Ice and also greenland halibut and that is frozen . Þórsnes SH was before in Norway and had there the ...
Bigboats in Norway year 2021, nr.9
Norsk pelagic ship over 50

List number 10.,. Now have many pelagic ship in Norway started to fish tobis. In total the ships have fish 385.000 tons. and Gerda Marie was with 4038 tons in 2 trips and has now fish over 16.000 tons. Selvag Senior 2135 tons in 2. Harvest 2895 tons in 2. Vikingbank 3008 tons in 3. Cetus 3551 tons ...
New Havbara N-74-Ö

This year 2021, have been many new boats and trawlers that have been coming to Norway,. one of the new boats that have been coming is Havbára N-74-Ö. This boat is own by a company Havbara AS in Norway and Guðmund Rognan is the owner of the company,. The company had before a boat that also had the ...
Gillnet boat up to 20 in

List number 4. Good fishing for the gillnet boats in Norway that are on this list. many boats have been coming with full boat of fish. like STamstundværing with 29,2 tons in 1. Tommy Junior 27,9 tons in 1. Jenny Helene 10,5 tons in 1 and this boat is only 10 meters long. Husöysund 13,7 tons in 1 and ...
Stamsundværing N-72-VV with full boat of fish
Risaróður hjá Stamsundværing N-72-VV
Lineboats in Norway under 20m in
Bigboats in Norway year 2021, nr.8

List number 8. Now we have more boats on this list. and the new boats are t he boats that have mostly been fishing with garn. also some of them also have fish with garn and seine. like Nesejenta. Skjongholm is the highest boat that has only fish with garn. on t his list Loran was with 443 tons in 1 ...
Trawlers in Norway , year 2021. list nr 8
Huge fishing for Kristinn SH. 60 tons

In Iceland often in april and mai the boats that are fishing with line and use capelin on the hooks. the fishing for catfish is often good, . the boat Kristinn SH that is a 30 tons boat, and this boat is the only 30 tons boat in Iceland that is not using autoline. in stead the boat is fishing with ...
Gillnet boat up to 20 in

List number 3. now have 4 gilnet boats in norway fish over 100 tons now in april. Stamsundværing was with 31,7 tons in 4 trips. Stig Harry 72,9 ton sin 6. Barstein 27,9 tons in 2. Vestbas 36,9 ton sin 2. Arktos 46,5 tons in 4. Sanderman 30,9 tons in 4. Steinfjord 54,1 ton sin 6. Arktos Pic Johannes ...
Lineboats in Norway under 20m in

List number 3. Now have 7 boats fish over 30 tons in april . Föniks was with 27,2 tons in 2 trips and is now number 1. Röstjenta 18,2 ton sin 3. Einar 24,54 tons in 2. Havella 21,7 ton sin 2. Nordtind 16 ton sin 4. Iversen Junior 8,7 ton sin 3. Hemmingodden JR 6,6 tons in 2. Röstjenta Pic Bjoern ...
New Magne Arvesen TF-2-I to Norway

Company Engenes Fiskeruselskap A/S in Norway has now got delivered a brand new freezer trawler. The name of the trawler is Magne Arvesen and is build by Astilleros Gondán in Spain. The trawler is 69,9 meters long and 16 meters wide. In the ship is a Bergen disel engine that also can use gas. type ...
Norsk pelagic ship over 50

List number 9. Now have 4 pelagic ship in Norway fish over 10.000 tons. and in total 340.000 tons. Vendla was with 2059 tons in 1. Rav 2178 tons in 1. Sjöbris 1831 tons in 1. Selvag Senior 1825 tons in 1. Eros 3934 tons in 2 . and Gera Marie 2264 tons in 1 all fishing blue whiting. and Gera Marie ...
Foreign Pelagic ship in

List number 2. Here is a list of the pelagic ship that are from UK, Ireland and Denmark and have been landing. mackerel and herring in Norway. in total they have fish about 70.000 tons,. 3 ships have landed more than 6000 tons and all of them are from the UK. 2 ships are from Ireland. and 3 ships ...
New Autoline boat to Sandgerði in Iceland
Gillnet boat up to 20 in
Lineboats in Norway under 20m in

List number 2. Now so much fishing in Norway for the smaller lineboats that are under 20 meters long. but on this list we have some that are are shorter than 10 meters. and we have 2 boat that are 7 meters long. The boat in seat number 19 and in seat number 43 are both 7 meters long. but i did not ...
Trawlers in Norway , year 2021. list nr 7

Listi number 7. now have 3 trawlers in Norway fish over 4000 tons,. Gadus Poseidon was with 552 tons in 1 and is now with 4575 tons. in seat number 1. Nordtind 577 tons in 1. Kongsfjord 759 ton sin 1. Atlantic Viking 1186 tons in 1. Holmöy 1028 tons in 1. Granit 1715 tons in 1. Hermes 596 tons in 1. ...
Gillnet Bárður SH in Iceland with over 1000 tons

Gillnet fishing in iceland now in March was good. in total there where five boats that did fish over 400 tons, and all of these boats are fishing in ice, not freezing the fish. Number 5 was Þórsnes SH with 408,5 tons in 5 trips. Erling KE was number 4 with 524,2 tons in 28 trips. Brynjólfur VE was ...