Norsk trawlers nr.10

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Listi number 10. Many trawler now fishing shrimp. Saga Sea was with 1059 tons in 2. Gadus Poseidon 702 tons in 1 of shrimp. Herms 400 tons of cod in 1. J. Bergvoll 1009 tons in 2. Granit 632 tons in 1 og shrimp. Doggi 627 tons in 3. Fortuna was fishing well.  Fortuna is the smallest boat on this ...

Line and net boats in

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List number 13. On the top of this list, not  many boats come with fish.  Vonar came with 180 tons in 1 trip. Valdimar H 156 tons in 2, and with that is over 1000 tons. O.Husby 270 tons in 2. Aldís Lind 30 tons in 3. Norbanken 68 tons in 3. Korsnes 88 tons in 4. Ingvaldson 90,5 tons in 7. If you ...

Uppsjávarskip nr.11

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Listi númer 11. Rosalega lítill munur á skipunum núna 6 skip kominn yfir 17 þúsund tonnin,. Víkingur AK með 5317 tonní 2 og kominn á toppinn,. Venus NS 5352 tonn í 2. Börkur NK 4489 tonní 2. Aðalsteinn Jónsson SU 4459 tonní 2. Hoffell SU 3361 tonní 2. Beitir NK 2971 tonní 1. Bjarni Ólafsson AK 2665 ...

Dragnót í aprí

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Listi númer 4. Lokalistinn,. Steinunn SH með 39 tonní 2 og endar aflahæstur,. enn hörku mánuður hjá Nesfiskabátunum því alls lönduðu þeir um 650 tonnum núna í apríl. Siggi Bjarna GK  með 52 tonní 3. Sigurfari GK 53 tonní 3. Benni Sæm GK 53 tonní 3. Egill SH 41 tonní 2. Egill ÍS 47 tonní 3. Finnbjörn ...

Netabátar í aprí

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Listi númer 4. Lokalistinn,. Góður mánuður að baki,. fjórir bátar fóru yfir 400 tonnin og af þeim þá voru tveir grálúðubátar,. Anna EA kom með 60 tonn í einni löndun og fór með þv í á toppinn.  . Erling KE 60 tonní 2. Friðrik Sigurðsson ÁR 49 tonní 4. Bárður SH 53 tonní 5. Þorsteinn :H 23 tonní 4. ...

Togarar í aprí

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Listi númer 3. Ansi góður mánuður.  og má svo sem skrifa þennan lista sem lokalista . viðey RE var með 517 tonní 3 löndunum og með  því á toppinn,. Björg EA 427 tonní 3 löndunum ,. Engey RE 480 tonn í 3. Ottó N Þorláksson VE 459 tonní 3 löndunum  ,. Bylgja VE 291 tonn í 4. Ef þið viljið styðja við ...

Trollbátar í aprí

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Listi númer 3. Það má svo sem skrifa þennan lista sem lokalista,. Steinunn sF með 427 tonní 7 róðrum og er langhæstur. Bergey VE 336 tonní 4. Vestmannaey VE 361 tonní 4. Drangavík VE 294 tonní 6. Frár VE 160 tonní 2. Farsæll SH 157 tonní 3. Helgi SH 159 tonní 3. Sigurborg SH 82 tonní 2. Hringur SH ...

Frystitogarar nr.8

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Listi númer 8. Sólberg ÓF með engann afla á þennan lista. Kleifaberg RE með 551 tonn. Örfirsey RE 374 tonní 1. Hrafn Sveinbjarnarsson GK 798 tonní 1. Höfrungur III AK 500 tonní 1. Júlíus Geirmundsson ÍS 387 tonní 1.  Ef þið viljið styrkja síðuna og styðja við bakið á Aflafrettir.  klikkið þá á ...

Norsk trawlers nr.9

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List number 9. now 5 trawlers are over 4000 tons,. Havbryn 1301 tons in 1 trip,. Langens 596 tons in 1. Ole - Arvid Nergarg 512 tons in 1. Batsfjord 411 tons in 1. Rypefjord 388 tons in 1. Kagtind II 471 tons in 1. Roalens 175 tons in 1. Fortuna 122 tons in 3. Havbryn pic Svein W Pettersen. IF you ...

Line and net boats in Norway nr.12

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List number 12. on this list,  Veidar came with 600 tons in one trip. Fröyanes 476 tons in 1. Valdimar H 121 tons in 2. Aldís Lind 31 tons in 3. Thor-Arild 46 tons in 1. Selma Dröfn 47 tons in 3. Olafur 26 tons í 5. Polarstjerna 74 tons in 5  this boat is like Skreigrunn, seine boat.  IF you want to ...

Pelagic ship in the Faroe Islands nr.7

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List number 7. Finnur Fríði the first ship that are over 20.000 tons.  he was with 4488 tons in 2 trips,. Norðingur 1865 tons in 1. Borgarinn 1897 tons in 1. Norðborg 1478 tons in 1. Arctic Voyager 1533 tons in 1. and also many small trawlers in the Faroe islands have started fishing  argentina ...

Pelagic ship in

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List number 9. No Icelandic ship where fishing capelin so all of them have been fishing blue whiting,. now 2 ships in ICeland are over 10.000 tons. Hoffell SU is the only ship in Iceland that has fish herring.  around 1350 tons,. IF you want to support,  then click on ...

Pelagic ship in

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List number 9. No Icelandic ship where fishing capelin so all of them have been fishing blue whiting,. now 2 ships in ICeland are over 10.000 tons. Hoffell SU is the only ship in Iceland that has fish herring.  around 1350 tons,. IF you want to support,  then click on ...

Norsk trawlers .nr.8

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Listi númer 8. Antarctic Sea with 2112 tons in one trip and with that are over 10.000 tons . Sunderöy 684 tons in 1. Atlantic Star 1247 tons in 1. Hermes 591 tons in 1. Molnes 671 tons in 1. J.Bergvoll 491 ton sin 1. Ramoen 394 tons in 1. Arctic Swan 208 tons in 1. Roaldnes 177 tons in 1. IF you ...

Line and net boats in Norway nr.11

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List number 11. Now in total t his list is 60 boats.  3 new boats came on the list. they where.  O.Husby with 266 tons in 1 trip. Skjongholm with 143 tons in 1. and Hovden Viking with 52 tons in one trip. Vonar is on the top now, and  he came with 431  tons in one trip. Nesbakk 93 tons  in 1. Nyvoll ...

Norsk trawlers .nr.7

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List number 7. Havstrand with 1248 tons in one trip. Nordstar 1311 ton in 1. Langens 286 tn in 1. Granit 1608 tons in 1, and of that was cod 670 tons. Ole-arvid-nergard 499 tons in 1. Prestfjord 384 tons in 1. Gadus Poseidon 520 tons in 1 of shrimp. Roaldnes 150 tons in 1. Fortuna 70 tons in 3.  IF ...

Norsk Pelagic ship, over 50 meters. nr.10

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List number 8. Now 2 ships in Norway are over 10.000 tons,. Akeröy with 3100 tons in 2 trips. Eros 2094 tons in 1. Gunnar Langva 3169 tons in 2. Talbor 2754 tons in 2. Havskjer 2720 tons in 2. Kvannöy 3430 tons in 2. Sæbjörn 2548 ton in 2. Havgrlans 2192 tons in 2. Sjöbris 3071 ton sin 2. Strand ...

Pelagic ship in the Faroe Islands. nr.6

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List number 6. Good fishing for this ship, and most of them are fishing blue whiting,. Tróndur í götu 5672 tons in 2. Fagraberg 5430 tons in 3. Högaberg 3934 tons in 2. Júpiter 3298 tons in 2. Norðingur 4847 tonn in 2. Borgarinn 5525 tons in 3. Næraberg 5677 tons in 2.  IF you want to support ...


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List numer 6. Norddint with 432 tons in one trip and was with shrimp,. Vesttind 584 tons in 1. Gadus Neptun 816 tons in 1. Sunderöy 686 tons in 1. volstad 1151 tons in 1. Remö-y 908 tons in 1. Rypefjord 404 tons in 1. Kagtind II 733 tons in 1. Roadles 300 tons in 2. Fortuna 49 tons in 2.  IF you ...

Line and net boats in Norway nr.9

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List number 9. Leinbris with full load 660 tons in one trip and with that went to seat number 2. Osterfjord 249 tn in one trip. Sjovær 144 tons in 1. Hellskjær was fishing well on net.  was with 141 tons in just 3 trips, and most 54 tons in one trip. Breivik Junuos 174 tons in 1. Aldis Lind 17 tons ...

Line and net boats in Norway nr.8

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List number 8. Geir II M with 377 tons in one trip and Vonar 378 tons in one trip,. and these 2 boats are not over 1300 tons,. Fiskens 347 tons in 2. Valdimar H 84 tons in 2 trips,. Skomværfisk 162 tons in 8 trips. Fjellmoy 362 ton sin 1. Bjonhaug 89 tons in 1. Hellskjær 105 ton sin 4. Noranbanken ...

Norsk Pelagic ship, over 50 meters. nr.7

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List number 7. Much fishing in norway now in this list, and now the ship on this list  have landed 282,000 tons,. Österbris was with 3896 tons in 2 trips and with that is over 10.000 tons,. Akeröy 3465 tons in 2. Fiskeskjer 4816 tons in 3. Norderveg 2018 tn í 1. Christina E 3996 tons in 2. Eros 4276 ...


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List number 5. They are fishing well the ship that are in Argentina.  Antarctic Sea with 1758 tons in one trip and is not in 8380 tons,. Saga Sea with 1331 tons in 1. Nordtind 1302 tons in 1. Havtind 694 tons in 1. Vesttind 621 tons in 1. Ramoen 979 tons in 1. sunderöy 741 ton in 1. Langöy 1142 tons ...

Line and net boats in

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List number 8. Now 2 boats are over 1000 tons,  Vestliner came with 227 tons in  one trip,. Valdimar H 55 tons. Stattegg 247 tons in 1 trip. Skomværfisk 77 tons in 7 trips. Inger Viktoria 52 tons in 2 trips. Breivik Junior 89 tons in 1 trip. Norliner 55 tons in 4 trips. Olafur 61 tons in 7 trips.  ...

Pelagic ship in the Faroe

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List number 5. Much fishing going on in the Faroe islands. all the ship are fishing blue whiting. Finnur Fríði 6950 tons in 3 trips. Högaberg 5851 tons í 3. Christian í Grotinu 6143 tons  in 3. Fagraberg 8080 tons í 4 trips. Júpiter 4203 tons in 3. Borgarinn 4485 ton sin 2. If you want to support ...

Norsk Pelagic ship, over 50 meters. nr.6

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List number 6. Now all of the biggest ship in Norway are fishing blue whitning and the fishing is going well,. 3 ships are over 7000 tons,. Österbris was with 2202 tons in one trip. Gardar 1923 tons in 1. Rogne 3787 tons in 2. Storeknut 4354 tons in 3. Norderveg 4108 tons in 3. Hardhaus 3731 tons in ...


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List number 4. Antarctic Sea with full load 2241 tons in one trip. Gadus Posedion 651 tons in 1. Molnes 828 tons in 1. Fortuna was fishing well  217 tons in 9 trips and most 58 tons,.  If you want to support  then click on advertising that are on the page.  thanks. Also find ...

Line and net boats in Norway nr.7

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List number 7. Now one boat is over 1000 tons,. Fröyanes came with 479 tons in one tripa and with that went over 1000 tons,. Veiðar 575 tons in 1. Geir II 491 tons in 1. Vonar 471 tons in 1. Vestliner 529 tons in 1. Valdimar 62 tons in 1,  and he is fishing in ice. Seir is new boat and was with 471 ...

Line and net boats in Norway nr.6

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List number 6. Good fishing now in Norway on this list. Geir II came with 491 tons in one trip. Vonar 471 tons in one trip. Vestliner 268 tons in 1. Valdimar H 117 tons in 2. Delfin 191 tons in 1. SEnjaværing 70 tons in 6. Havbara 70 tons in 3. Skreigrunn 112 tons in 2. Aldis Lind 63 tons in 6. ...

Autolineboats in the Faroe

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List number 1. autoline boats in the faroe islands are compared to the boats in Iceland and norway, much smaller and are also older. The highest autolineboat in the faroe islands in the year 2018. was with about 2000 tons,. Here is a list of the boat in January and februar .  If you want to support ...

Line and net boats in Norway nr.5

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List number 5,. Now on this list the boats are 52. Nesbakk came with 408 tons in one trip,. Valdimar H 70 tons in 1 and he is now is seat number 4. SEnjaværing 57 tons in 2. Havbara 41 tons in 2. Aldis lind 24 tons in 2. Thor-Arild 63 tons in 4. Turbo 15,9 tons in 1. If you want to support ...

Pelgaic ship in The Faroe

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List number 3. All the ship now fishing blue whiting.,. Finnur Friði with 1562 tons in 1. Tróndu rí Götu 2739 tons in 1. Högaberg 2186 tons in 1. Jupiter 1574 tons in 1. Norðborg 1760 tons in 1.  If you want to support  then click on the Advertising that are on the page. Högaberg ...

Norsk Pelagic ship, over 50 meters. nr.5

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List number 5. Akeröy with 1582 tons of blue whiting landed in ICeland,. Ligrunn  426 tons of h erring in one trip and with that went i seat number 1,. vikingbank 196 tons . Nordsjobas 823 tons of herring. Andrea L 614 tons of herring in one trip. Morten Einar 739 tons of blue whiting in one trip,. ...

Line and net boats in Norway nr.3

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List number 3. Fishing on this list was good.  no ship on seat from 1 to 6 came with fish. Valdimar H came with  65 tons in one trip. Havbara 71 tons in 4 í net. Senjaværing 120 tons in 6 on net. Delfin 129 tons in 1. Aldís Lind 51 ton in 4. Inger Viktoria 37 tons in 1. Olafur 27 tons in 4. Selma ...

Norsk Pelagic ship, over 50 meters. nr.4

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List number 4. Still many ships are fishing herring in Norway. but now also many ships have started fishing blue whiting. Österbris came with 2276 tons in one trip and Kings Bay 2287 tons in 1,. Ligrunn 943 tons of herring. Manon 1905 tons in one trip. Brennholm 1884 tons in 1. Rogne 1942 tons . ...

Roaldsen and Akeröy to Iceland, Akeröy found capelin

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In Iceland now in the wintertime most of the icelandic pelagic ships have been fishing capelin,  now this season no ship have found capelin and thats way  most of the ships are waiting for quota for the capelin,. ships from Norway have been fishing capelin in iceland in the wintertime for many ...

Norsk Trawler nr.3

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List number 3. Both the ship that are fishing close to south antarctic  came to Uruguay.  Antarctic Sea was with 1974 tons in one trip.  and Saga Sea 1242 tons in one trip,. Havtind  609 tons in 2 trips. Volstad 676 tons in 1 tri. Nordtind 1117 tons in 1. Hermes 457 tons in 1. Gadus Poseidon 496 ...

Line and net boats in Norway nr.2

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List number 2. Vestliner came with 402 ton in one trip,. Nyvoll Senior 188 ton in one trip. Havbara 116 tons in 8 trips on net. Skreigrunn 98 tons in 2. Senjaværing 97 tonsin 8 trips on net. Fiskenes 229 tonsin one trip. Skomværfisk 58 tn in 5 trip. If you want to support then click ...

29 meters long trawler with over 6000 tons in 2018

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In iceland there are in total if about 50 trawlers,  about 20 of them are small trawlers that are maximum 29.99 meters long,. this boats can fish up to 3 miles from land. most of this small trawlers in Iceland can hold up top 98 tons of fish on one trip,.  Steinunn SF. The  highest in Iceland in the ...

Norsk Pelagic ship over 50 meters nr.2

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List number 2. Now total of this ships if  63000 tons and most of that is herring,. Liafjord with 1116 tons in one tripa and is still number 1,. Ligrunn 1328 ton in 2. Frantsen Juniur 1049 ton in 1. Gardar 1296 tons in 1. Magnarsonn 1238 ton in 2. Gerda Marie 1111 tons in 2. Akeröy has started ...