Iceland-Norway list number 2.

List number 2. First part,. In Iceland has been storm and bad weather and the boats in Iceland on the list has not been able to go out to sea. Kristinn HU was with 1,8 tons in 1 trips,. But in Norway on this list Ragnhilde Kristeine was with 9,1 tons in one trip and went with that on top,. Selma ...
Highest boats from 11 to 12 meters in Norway 2019
Highest boats from 10 to 11 meters in Norway 2019
Iceland-Norway list number 1.

List number 1. Here is the first list of this mix of boats from Iceland and Norway on the same list,. Here you can read the news about it. We will have 1 list that is split into 2 lists. first is the boats that are over 21 tonns in size ore over 11 meters long. and the second list is boats under ...
Old and new Voyager N-905
Highest Norsk boats from 9 to 10 meters.2019

Here is a list of the highest boats in Norway that are from 9 meters long and up to 10 meters long. in this list is not herring,. many boats where in this in total they where 522 boats. and total these 522 boats fish 12800 tons, and that is about 24,5 tons per boat. these 522 boats fish 8000 tons of ...
10 norsk Autolinesboats on Icelandic list

On has now in 12 year been list that updates up to 8 times in a month. about boats in Iceland,. 1 of the list are from boats from 13 tons in size to 21 tons in size . and on that list will now 4 boats from Norway join the list. the boats are. Jakob N-5-G. Aksel B t-17-T. Noreliner ...
2 ships from UK and Ireland with 3300 tons to Norway
Highest boats from 8 to 9 meters in Norway 2019

Here is list number 2. This is list for the boats that are from 8 meters long to 9 meters long,. and here is a list of the boats that did not fish herring ore fish called pigghá. As seen on the list Skagen was number one with abut 74 tons and of that was 41 tons of cod. Vilma was number 2 with 69 ...
Highest boat up to 8 meters in Norway 2019

Now . has all the fishing datas for all the fishing boats in Norway for the year 2019. and is going to put some list here on about boats and trawlers,. first list is the most difficult one to put on. this is the list for the boats in Norway that are not longer than 8 ...
3 ships from Norway with total of 230.000 tons

Now have all the fishing datas for all the boats in Norway for the year 2019,. and will later tell you how much total fishing was in Norway in the year 2019,. but on the top of the list. are 3 boats that never came to Norway, but there are Norsk company that owns the boats,. this is ...
Arnöytind T-8-S is number 1 in Norway

Well. then the year 2020 has started. and in Norway now have many boats started fishing,. and at least 4 boats have started fishing herring,. and Arnöytind T-8-S was the first boat in Norway to come with fish ore herring in land. He came to Tromsö with 250 tons of herring in one trip and he came ...
Olafur F-32-TN

in the year 2006 in Iceland a boat was built that was 11 meter long 15 tons in size. and that boat got the name Auður Vésteins GK. The boat was fishing until it was sold in the year 2015. Kaptein Ólafur F Einarsson from Iceland bought the boat and moved to Norway with the boat. in Norway the boat ...
Elnesfisk M-11-F.

There are a considerable number of boats in Norway that are build in Iceland. here's one of them. This is called Elnesfisk M-11-F and was built at Seiglu in Akureyri in 2012.,. it is 10.66 meters long and 4.6 meters wide. The boat is fishing for most of the year and now in 2019 it has been pretty ...
Autolines boats in the Faroe Islands in the year 2019.

The Autolines boats in the Faroe Islands are fishing both close to the Faroe Islands. and also they are fishing in Iceland and many of them com to harbours in Iceland with fish,. Here is a list of the Autoline boats in The Faroe Islands in the year 2019,. no boat reach over 2000 tons, . but Stapin ...
Trawlers in The Faroe Islands year 2019.

They are not currently big trawler in The Faroe Islands that are not freezing the fish. Most are less than 40 meters in length,. Many boats in this category were also fishing herring and mackerel and that catch is not included in these numbers below. these numbers are only demersal fish,. two boats ...
Alken SF-217-SU, small boat that fish herring and mackerel

in Iceland, only the big pelagic vessels can catch herring and mackerel,. still in Norway it is not so,. but small boats can also fish herring and mackerel and some of them are very small,. Here's one that name is Alken SF-217-SU. This boat is only 9.4 meters long and 3 meters wide and measures 8 ...
Highest Trawlers in Norway, year 2019. are always getting better and better for you dear readers. Now a person who will not be named and lives in Norway has been working on a program. which will include all catch figures for all Norwegian boats regardless of size in Norway and this list is HUGE. Here comes the first list. ...
All crew members of Fay M-27-AV rescued, boat has sunk
Fay M-27-AV

Now are some boats fishing out from Norway . and one of the boat that are fishing now today is new boat name is Fay M-27-AV. Fay was build in the year 2018 and is 20,99 meters long and 10 meters wide. he has 999 hp engine om board and the engine is Yanmar. This boat is build to fish with gilnet and ...
Havstrand M-525-H in the year 2019

Now the year 2019 is almost over. and the year has been pretty good for the trawlers in Norway. Havstrand M-525-H that is own by AS Havstrand in Alesund. has had good year is fishing cod, saithe and haddock. in total Havstrand has fish 8739 tons of this fish. most is saithe around 4000 tons, 3300 ...
Saga K in Norway sold.

Now in 2019, there are many people from ICeland that own boats in Norway and are fishing all year round from Norway. but someone was number 1 in this case they can be said that the brothers Helgi and Hrafn Sigvaldasyndir along with Birni Sigurdsson in 2012 where the first. Hrafn, Helgi and Björn ...
Boats from Norway on Icelandic lists
Pelagic ship in

List number 19 . This is not the final list of the pelagic ship in Iceland,. but now 5 ships are over 40.000 tons, . now in desember then many ships have been fishing blue whiting. and Beitir NK came with 3061 tons in one trip,. Ásgrímur Halldórsson SF that is smaller boat than the others have had ...
Ragnhild Kristine M-14-AK
Vengsöyværing T-891-T

In Norway there are many boats that are fishing that are made of timber. One of them is this boat. This boat name is Vengsöyværing T-891-T. was build 1975 and is 15,4 meters long and 4,7 meters wide. has 238 hp engine that came in the boat in the year 1988. The boat is own by company that has same ...
Andungen F-62-BD
Norsk pelagic ship over 50
Pelgaic ship in the Faroe Islands nr.11
Pelagic ship in the faroe
Pelagic ship in

List number 17. Now in Iceland Venus NS came with 4855 tons in 3 trips mostly herring,. and Venus NS is now the first in Iceland to come over 40.000 tons,. Margrét EA 3434 tons in 3, and Venus NS and Margrét EA have now both fish over 10.000 tons of herring. Sigurður VE 3248 tons in 3. Heimaey VE ...
Norsk pelagic ship over 50

List number 11. Finally here is a new list of the pelagic ship in Norway,. in total they have fish 723.000 tons. and as can been seen. Akeröy is the highest one, but not far from it is Havglans. both over 18.000 tons,. not in sept and okt most of the ships have been fishing herring and mackerel,. ...
Pelagic ship in The Faroe

List number 8. Long time since Aflafrettir came with new list of the pelagic ship in The Faroe Islands. 5 months. but here is new list. Borgarinn is number 1 and as can been seen much of Blue Whiting have been landed from the ships. all of the smaller trawlers on this list, line Vesturbugvin, and ...
Pelagic ship in Iceland.
Norsk line and net

List number 12. Now 2 boats in norway are over 2000 tons,. Nesbakk came with 74 tons in 1 trip. Geir II with 198 tons 1. Valdimar H what fish in ice, was with 121 tons in 2 trips. Delfin 165 tons in 1. Aldis Ling 31 tonn í 6. Nordbanken 113 tons in 3. Olafur 32 tons in 6. Saga K 38,5 tons í 4. Turbo ...
Norsk trawlers nr.11
Icelandic Pelagic

List number 11. Now in Iceland 3 ships are over 20.000 tons,. Víkingur AK came with 2586 tons in 1. Hoffell SU was with 3432 tons in 2, and Hoffell SU can only carry about 1730 tons in ful load. Beitir NK 2948 tons in 1. Sigurður VE 2643 tons in 1. If you want to suooport then click ...
Masterpiece pictures from the sea

What is the best thing in the world. well it is to be on a open sea fishing when sea is just like a mirror. the crew members of Háey II ÞH from Húsavík in Iceland. Háey II ÞH is 17 tons boat. where out fishing and the weather was amazing. . here are pics they took around midnight when they where ...