Iceland-Norway list number 3. Feb
Norsk pelagic ship over 50

List number 6. Still good herring fishing in Norway. but now many ships are fishing blue whiting. Manon is number one now and he was with 1909 tons in 2 trips. Ligrunn 1917 ton sin 2 of herring. Vikingbank 1969 ton sin 2. Birkeland 2517 tons in 2 of blue whiting. Rogne 2437 tons in one trip with ...
Norsk pelagic ship, 31 to 50
Huge fishing for Margrét GK , only 3 trips.

In ICeland the weather has been pretty bad. but when the weather has been better the autoline boats that are fishing from the town . of Sandgerði have been fishing pretty well. at least that did the crew of 3 men on the boat name Margrét GK . MArgrét GK was build 2019 and is 13,2 meters long and 4,2 ...
Iceland-Norway list number 2.february

List number 2. Good fishing both in Iceland and Norway on this list,. List 1. Sandfell SU with 80 tons in 6 trips and with that over 100 tons. Fríða Dagmar ÍS 44 tons in 4. Vigur SF 45 tons in 4. Margrét GK 49 tons in 3. Selma Dröfn in Norway 51 tons in 2 trips and most 27 tons in one trip. List ...
Old Atlantic M-19-A with most value of autoline boats in Norway.
Ligrunn H-2-F with most value

The year 2019 was pretty good for the pelagic ship in Norway. 4 ships did fish over 20.000 tons and Vikingbank R-3-H was with most fishing. Vikingbank was with about 29.000 tons , of Herring, blue whiting and mackerel. But Ligrunn H-2-F was the Pelagic ship in Norway with the most value. Ligrunn ...
Big Avalanche in Flateyri. part 5.

Now it almost 3 weeks since the big avalanche came to the town of Flateyri on the vesten part in Iceland. 6 boats got much damage and are probably destroyed . Now the status is that 5 boats have been lifted from the sea. and as can been seen in t he pics here down blow. the boat Sjávarperlan ÍS is ...
Iceland-Norway list number 1. February

List number 1 in feb. Boats in ICeland start well now in February. . On list number 1 then Særif SH starts number 1 with 57 tons in 4 trips and that is about 14,2 tons in a trip. in Norway we have to go pretty far down the list to find the first boat from Norway and that is Olafur II that is with ...
New boat to Norway

Company Trefjar in Iceland that built boats that name is Cleoparta was building a new boat that is now in Norway. There's a huge quota on this new boat,. therefore the total quota of the boat is 1043 tons. because of that, haddock is 557 tonnes. saithe 375 tons. and cod 40 tons. plus 72 tonnes of ...
Norsk pelagic ship 31 to 50

List number 3. Good fishing on this list. most of the boats on this list are fishing herring,. Jökul is still number one and was with 380 tons in 1 trip. Krossöy 496 tons in 1 trip. Straumbas 385 tons in 1. voldnes 250 tons in 1. Johan Berg 362 ton in 1. Vestbas 296 tons in 1. Mostein 1 is new on ...
Norsk pelagic ship over 50

List number 5. Now ship on this list have total fish 55.000 tons. Many ship fishing herring,. but on this list we have 2 ships that came to Norway with Blue whiting,. it was Kingsa bay that came with 2334 tons in one trip. and Birkeland that came with 1549 tons in one trip. Eros was with 945 tons of ...
Iceland-Norway list number 6

List number 6. and this is the final list in for jan.2020. List number 1,. in total the fishing for the bigger boats was good, in january. 15 boats went over 100 tons and only one of . them was boat from Norway. Selma Dröfn that was with 135 tons in 7 trips. Hafrafell SU was number 1 with 188 tons ...
Old pic of Icelandic boat fishing capelin

Since icelandic boats started to fish capelin in the year 1965 many boats have been fishing capelin,. here is one. this boat named Dagfari ÞH and he was fishing capelin in 30 years. most of the capelin came to Sandgerði and full load of Dagfari ÞH was about 530 tons,. This boats was sold to scrap ...
Sólberg ÓF highest in Iceland 2019.
Norsk pelagic ship over 50

List number 4. Good fishing in Norway. Gerda Marie was with 1837 tons in 2 trips, and 591 tons of that was herring. . Manon 1778 tons in 2. Selvag SEnior 1647 tons in 2. Eros 1203 tons in 2. Morten Einar 1207 tons in 1. Gollenes 976 tons in 2. Knester 984 tons in 2. Harvest 890 tons in 2. Österbris ...
Norsk pelagic ship 31 to 50
Kings Bay first to Norway with blue whiting
Iceland - Norway - list number 5

List number 5. List number 1,. Ragnhilde Kristine with no fish on this list and that mean that the boat have fallen of the seat number 1,. Hafrafell SU from Iceland was with 30,3 tons in 5 trips and with that went on top and is also the first one to fish over 100 tons. Kristin HU 34 tons in 3. Selma ...
Big Avalanche in Flateyri. part 4.

Now it is almost one week since the big avalanche came on the town of Flateyri. in the westfjords in Iceland. and got in the harbor where 6 boats got badly damage. To rescue the boat they have been using a boat name is Fosnakongen and he is from Norway. Here down belown you can read all the other ...
Norsk pelagic ship over 50 meters nr.3

List number 3. Many new ships in Norway come now on the list. in total they are now 21. and six ships in Norway are now over 1000 tons. Gerda Maria was with 922 tons of mackerel in one trip. and went with that on the top. This Gerda Marie is new, and was bought to Norway last year. name be for was ...
Pelagic ship in the Faroe Islands .nr.3
New autoline boat Páll Jónsson GK to ICeland
Atlantic Star Fishing and total value year 2019

Both in Iceland and the Faroe Islands the Freezer trawlers stop fishing before christmas. but in Norway some freezer trawlers where fishing over Christmas and new years eve. In Iceland all the freezer trawlers are fillet freezer trawlers but most of the trawlers in Norway . only cut the head off the ...
Iceland-Norway list number 4

Listi number 4. good fishing both in Iceland and Norway. List 1,. Ragnhilde Kristine is still number 1 and was with 14,1 tons in 1 trip. Hafrafell SU 17,4 tons in 2 and now only 2 tons away from Ragnhilde Kristine. Fríða Dagmar ÍS in iceland with 33 tons in 3. Jónína Brynja ÍS 21 tons in 2. Aldís ...
Norsk Pelagic ship. 31 to 50 meters. nr.1
Pelagic ship in the Faroe
Norsk pelagic ship over 50
Big Avalanche in Flateyri. part 3. Fosnakongen from Norway

Here down belown are 2 links of news about big avalanche that happen in Flateyri in Iceland about 3 days ago,. No people got harmed in this but one 14 year old girl that was in her bed at her home got under the. snow that came down the mountain. but she was rescued and is doing fine now. But in the ...
Iceland-Norway list number 4
Big Avalanche in Flateyri. part 2.

Here on yesterday was news about huge avalanche that came to Flateyri small town in the west of ICeland,. this big avalanche made a big mess in the harbour in Flateyri and total of 6 boats sunk ore are much damage. only one boat did not damage, . Here are new pics from the harbor ...
Iceland-Norway list number 3

List number 3. Not much going on in Iceland because the weather has been terrible. but some boats in Iceland has been able to go out . and Hafrafell SU was with 34,5 tons í 3 trips,. Vésteinn GK in Iceland was with 19,5 tons in 2. Ragnhilde KRistine in Norway was with 30,3 tons in 3 trips, and is ...
Big Avalanche ore snowflood in Iceland. 6 boats much damage

The weather in Iceland since 1.january 2020 has been what we can say, horrible. it has been storm after storm and it has snow relay much. In the Westfjords there has been snowing so much for the last days that the roads all around there . have been closed for many days now,. many mountains are in ...
Highest boat from 14 to 15 meters in Norway 2019

There are many boats in Norway that are from 14 to 15 meters long in Norway. and many of them are fishing herring,. IF the boats that where fishing herring are taken with then the boats are total of 13 that fish over 1000 tons,. but if the herring is taken out then the boats are 7 that fish over ...
Highest boats from 13 to 14 meters in Norway 2019
Highest trawlers in Iceland 2019

the year 2019 was pretty good in ICeland for the Trawlers . All of these trawlers are fishing in ice, and is what we can call . fresh fish trawlers. 15 of them went over 5000 tons,. 12 of them went over 6000 tons. 9 of them went over 7000 tons. 6 of them went over 8000. but what happen is that in ...
Highest autoline boats in Iceland 2019
Highest boat from 12 to 13 meters in Norway 2019

In this list that is boats in Norway from 12 to 13 meters long are in total about 300 boats. they fish total of 29500 tons and that is about 97 tons per boat. many boats here where fishing herring, but the herring is not in this list,. as seen in the list here then 13 boats fish over 300 tons. and ...