Only 5.min from Norway.

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I often say that Aflafrettir readers are   the best. often at times, for example, when I have been missing pictures of boats it has not clicked that I get pictures shortly after the relevant news is published. but this has been mainly by Icelandic readers,.  is quite popular in ...

5 mín frá Noregi.

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Ég segi oft að lesendur Aflafretta séu án nokkurns efa þeir allra bestu. oft á tíðum þá t.d þegar mér hefur vantað myndir af bátum þá hefur það ekki klikkað að ég fæ myndir  stuttu eftir að viðkomandi frétt birtist. en þetta hefur aðalega verið af íslenskum lesendum,. Aflafrettir eru ansi vinsæl í ...

Gilnet boats in Norway up to 14 meters long. nr.5

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List number 5. Knudsenfisk with 10,3 tons on 2 trips. Hetleviking 17,2 tons in 2. Nordhaug Senior 46 tons in 5.  But there is no pic of the boat.  did not find any pic of Nordhaug Senior. Olstind Pic Frode Adolfsen.  Elise Kristins 20,8 tons in 4. Olstind 30 tons in 4. Nesheim 19,2 tons in 3.

Gilnetboats over 14 meters long in

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List number 5. Björnhaug is still number one, and the boat was not fish not fishing on t his list. Kato was with 134,2 tons in 3 trips. Nesejenta 107 tons in 2 trips. Fröybankan 58 ton sin 2. Skomværfisk 56 tons in 5. Fanöyvag 130 tons in 5. Sandvær 51,5 ton in 4. Ringskjær Nord 50 tons in 3. ...

Shrimps boats in

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List number 1. There are many boats that are fishing shrimp in Norway.    Freezer Trawler Arctic Swan . is usually the only one that fish shrimp all year and now the trawler has fish total of 476 tons of shrimps. But as can be seen on the list he is the only one that has fish over 100 tons of shrimp ...

Norsk pelagic ship 31- 50

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List number 6. Now boats on this list have total fish 54.000 tons.  and STraumbas was with 425 tons in 2 trips and is now. close to 3000 tons. Sjöglans 766 tons in 3 trips. Hillersöy 611 tons in 3. Atlöy viking   543 tons in 2. Ordfjord 671 tonns í 3 trips. all this is herring. Tunfisk 764 tons in 3 ...

Norsk pelagic ship over 50

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List number 9. Now all the ships in Norway are fishing blue whiting. and total they have fish 187.000 tons. 2 ships are over 8500 tonns,. Manon is now number 1 and was with 3812 tons in 2 trips. Österbris 4415 tons in 2. Rogne 3232 tons in 2. Storeknut 3222 tons in 2. Kings Bay 2261 tons in 1. ...

3 ships with 66.000 tons

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There are many boats that are in owns of companies in Norway. Aker Biomarine Antarctic in Norway has three big ships that all are fishing krill many thousands kilometers from Norway,. These 3 ships are fishing this small fish that is called krill close to the Antarctica. But what is Krill. Krill are ...

Gilnetboats over 14 meters long in

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List number 4. Good fishing on this list. Björnhaug was with 145 tons in 9 trips. Breivik Junoir 186 tons in 8 trips. Skjongholm 154 tons in 8 trips. Ragnhild Kristine 97 ton sin 6. Hellskjær 58 tons in 5. Stig Harry 97 ton sin 5 and the boat jumps up 9 seats. Tommy Junoir 65 tons in 6 trips. ...

Gilnet boats in Norway up to 14 meters long. nr.4

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List number 4. Knudsenfisk is  still number 1.  was now with 56 tons in 4 trips. Hendanes 35 tons in 4. Hetleviking 28,6 ton sin 4 trips. Trolltind 30 tons in 5 trips. Nordhaug Senior 40 tons in 5 trips. Elnesfisk 30 tons in 4 trips. Many new boats come on this list now and you can see them be ...

Autolines boats in Norway under 30

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List number 1. This is interesting to sea. boats in seat number 1.... 2  .....4...5...6  are all in own of Icelandic people. Grotle starts in seat number 3. But also Ragnhilde KRistine in a auto line boat, but he is now fishing with gilnet. Grotle Pic Magnar Lyngstad.

Autolines boats in Norway.over 30

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List number 1. Start list over the autoline boats in Norway.  and this will be in 2 lists. boats over 30 meters long and boats under 30 meters long. Nesbakk starts well and is the only boat that is over 1000 tons,. Most of the boats that are on this list are freezing the fish. only Valdimar H is not ...

Trawlers in Norway list nr 3

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List number 3. Nordtind did not came with no fish on t his list but is still in seat number 1,. Atlantic Star came with 1020 tons. Atlantic Viking 1245 tons. Habryn 973 tons. Vesttind 1012 tons. Langöy 1027 tons. Molnes 215 tons in 1. Arctic Swan 475 tons . Tobis 24 tons in 1. Flobjörn 35,1 tons in ...

Iceland-Norway list number 2. March

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List number 2. Good fishing on both list number 1 and 2. On list number 1,  The Indriði Kristins BA from Iceland was with 64 tons in 3 trips. Patrekur BA 49 tons in 1 trip. Einar in Norway 43 tons in 2 trips. Kristinn HU 58 tons in 4 trips. Ólafur II 24 tons in 1. on list number 2. Tryggvi Eðvarðs ...

Seine boat Steinunn SH with full boat of cod

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The fishing in Iceland has been relay good in feb and also now in march. seine boats that are fishing from SAndgerði and Snæfellsnes have all been fishing well. Boat Steinunn SH had a huge day 9.march. The boat came to Ólafsvík with everything full of fish. the boat was only 15 hours at sea. but ...

Pelagic ship in

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List number 4. It looks like there will be  now fishing in ICeland of capelin. so some of the icelandic pelagic ship are fishing blue whiting. all of them sail back to iceland, and that is about 800 miles long sailing. Huginn VE came to Ireland with 1900 tons of blue whiting,. on t his list Hoffell ...

Iceland-Norway list number 1. March

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List number 1,'. good start in Norway on list number 1.  Einar starts now in seat number 1 and he was with 26,2 tons in one trip. Kristján HF that is in seat number 3 and Einar from Norway are similar boats. on list number 2, then boat Björn Hólmsteinsson ÞH that is in seat number 3, is gilnet boat. ...

Full boat of cod for Mána II ÁR

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In Iceland the fishing has been relay good in autoline and gilnet in february and now mars starts well also. line boat Máni II ÁR went out with 12000 hooks that is about 29 stamps and he went out from town of Þorlákshöfn. he had huge cod fishing. and came to Þorlákshöfn that is a town in Iceland ...

Iceland-Norway list number 7. Feb.

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List numer 7. Final list in February. Well as can been seen on the list here that the fishing in ICeland was good. on list number 1, 6 boats went over 200 tons, . One of the boat that fish over 200 tons was Margrét GK , and on Margrét GK are only 3 men in crew. and Selma Dröfn was number one in ...

Gilnet boats in Norway up to 14 meters long. nr.3

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List number 3. Knudsenfisk with 36 tons in 4 trips and with that went from seat number 4 to the top. Leif Helge 23,1 tons in 2. Hendanes 25,8 tons in 2. Hetleviking 40,8 tons in 4. Varbuen 39,6 tn in 4. Nesheim 22,2 ton in 4 trips. Sjaviknes 17,8 tons in 4. Knudsenfisk Pic Kristoffer Rognan.

Gilnetboats over 14 meters long in

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List number 3. Good fishing in gilnet in Norway. Björnhaug with 89,6 tons in 6 trips and is now close to 600 tons,. Kato 39,7 tons in 2. Ragnhild Kristine 98 tons in 5 trips and went up from seat number 11 to seat number 6. Senjaværin 47,4 tons in 4 . Hellskjær 48,3 ton in 5. Hauge Junior,  56,8 ...

Trawlers in Norway list number 2

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List number 2. This is from 1.jan til 1.mars.2020. Nordtind with 897 tons in 2 trips and is now over 3000 tons,. Volstad came with full load 1463 tons in one trips, a went up from seat number 24 to seat number 2. Gadus Neptun 532 tons in 1. Prestfjord 1016 tons in 2 trip. Hermes 620 tons in 1. ...

Huge autoline fishing for 2 boats. Hafrafell SU and Sævík GK

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In Iceland last 3 days have the autoline boats that are fishing out from Grindavík and Sandgerði had huge cod fishing,. here are 2 small news about huge fishing. first is Hafrafell SU .  Hafrafell SU is about 25 tons boat.  . but he came first with 26,4 tons in one trip and of that was cod 23,9 ...

Norsk pelagic ship over 50

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List number 8. Now many ships in Norway are fishing blue whiting. and also they have fish over 100.000 tons. Birkeland came with 1762 tons in one trips and with that is  now number 1 with almost 6000 tons,. Trygvason 1108 tons in 2 of herring. Brennholm 548 tons in 1 . Christina E 1891 tons in 1 of ...

Pelagic ship in The Faroe

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List number 5. Now 5 ships in The faroe islands are over 7000 tons, . Christian í Grótinu was with 2352 tons in one trips with blue whiting. Borgarinn 2245 tons in 1. and Norðingur 2303 tons in 1  Norðingur is old Ruth from Denmark. norð'ingur Pic Regin Torkilsson.

New boat to Esköy in Norway

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Esköy in Norway is a company that is own by brothers from Iceland,. Helgi and Hrafn sigvaldasynir. . Some years ago they got new boat that was named Saga K. and that boat was about 15 meters lengd and he was fishing with autoline. all year and did fish wll over 1000 tons every year.  now that boat ...

New boat Bárður SH is huge gilnet fishing.

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Captein Pétur has for the last 20 years had boat that name is Bárður SH and has mostly be fishing in gilnet,. the old boat was about 29 tons boats 15 meters long . last year he had new boat that also got the name Bárður SH. and that boat is 153 tons and 27 meters long,. but what is interesting about ...

Gilnet boats in Norway up to 14 meters long. nr.2

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List number 2. Norveig still number one but he did not fish at all this list. Leif Helge went from seat number 3 to seat number 2 with 48 tons in 8 trips. Knudsenfisk 36 ton sin 6. Hendanes  48 tons in 11 trips. Skretind 42 ton sin 8 trips. Heidi did well was wit 43 tons in 10 trips and went up from ...

Gilnetboats over 14 meters in

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List number 2,. good fishing in gilnet for net boat in Norway. Breivík Junior was with 198,4 tons in 10 trips on this list and is now over 600 tons from 1.1.2020. Skjongholm 190,6 tons in 10 trips. Björnhauk 89,3 ton sin 4 trips, and he fell down from seat number 1. Nesejenta 72,4 tons in 3 trips. ...

Big gilnet fishing in Sandgerði in Iceland.

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gilnet boat that have been fishing out from town of Sandgerði in Iceland.   have been fishing so much last days that . some of the boats have to go out 2 times to finish taking all the gilnets. Here are some pic from the day 26.feb.2020. Sunna Líf GK came with almot 7 tons in just 30 gilnets and he ...

Trawlers in Norway.list number 1

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List number 1. This list is from 1.january til 24.feb.2020. as seen then the big trawlers are fishing well. now 4 trawlers are over 2000 tons.  . Gadus Poseidon came with 864 tons in one trip. also we have smaller trawlers and  one of the small trawler. is Flobjörn T-14-BT  . the boats is only about ...

Iceland-Norway list number 5.Feb.

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List number 5. Well what can we say.  on list number 1.  the boats from Iceland are fishing well but now we only have one boat from Norway on the list. Selma Dröfn that was with 17,2 tons in one trip. Aldís Lind is in seat number 21 with 107 tons in 10 trips, and Einar is in seat number 23 with 93,5 ...

Gilnet boats up to 14 meters in

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List number 1. Here is for the first time list of the gilnet boats iin Norway. this is just a little experience and this is part of a program that is going on for When i get new datas this list will update. here is the first list,  and this is from 1.january 2020 til 10.feb.2020. ...

Gilnet boats in Norway over 14

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List number 1,. Here is for the first time list of the gilnet boats iin Norway. this is just a little experience and this is part of a program that is going on for When i get new datas this list will update. here is the first list,  and this is from 1.january 2020 til 10.feb.2020. ...

Gilnet boat Langanes GK from Iceland rescued

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23.feb.2020. gilnet boat Langanes GK went out to sea fishing cod in gilnet out from Sandgerði. they had small engine failure . and had to been town back to land. a rescue boat came out from Sandgerði, boat name Hannes Þ. Hafstein with crew of 5 men. sea was ruff and storm out side. Hannes Þ.Hafstein ...

Norsk pelagic ship over 50

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List number 7. Not the boats on this list has total fish 92000 tons.  . Österbris came with 2229 tons in one trip of Blue whiting. Trygvason 152 tons of herring. Akeröy 886 tons in one trip of blue whtiing. Andrea L 845 tons in one trips of herring. Radek 262 tons in 1 of herring,  And Radek is in ...

Norsk pelagic ship 31- 50

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List number 5. The boats in this list has now total fish 43000 tons.  and most of that is herring,. Straumbas was with 392 tons in one trip and is still number 1. Einar Erlend 700 tons in 2 trips. Vesterhav 403 tons in 1. Sille MArie 467 tons in 2. Sjöglans 428 ton sin 2. Stormfuglen 309 ton sin 1. ...

Pelagic ship in The Faroe Islands nr.5

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List number 5. Now 3 ships are over 7000 tons,. Finnur Fríði was with 1814 tons in one trip of blue whiting. Hogaberg 2292 tons in one trip with mackerel. Gitte Henning 849 tons in 1 triop. Christian i Grótinu 2067 ton sin 1. Borgarin 2080 ton sin 1. Norðborg 1553 tons in 1. FAgraberg 1701 ton in ...

Iceland-Norway list number 4. Feb.

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List number 4. Good fishing in Iceland, but on this list is not so much going on in Norway. on List number 1.  Patrekur BA was with 57 tons in 2 trips,. Selma Dröfn was with no fishing on thist list. Aldís Lind 9,8 tons in one trip. and as you can see, only 2 boats from Norway are on the list.  ...

Iceland-Norway . New boat on the list

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Now on has been since 1.january 2020 a list with a boats from Iceland and Norway. They are split in 2 lists. List 1.  is boat that are over 11 meters long and over 21 tons in size. . you can see the list here down below. on list number 1, that is boat under 11 meters long and undir ...