Norsk pelagic ship 31- 50

List number 8. Not many boats are fishing now on this list. only 3 boats come with fish and all of that was Blue whiting and öyapal. Sille Marie was with 785 tons in 2 trips of blue whiting and with that went on seat number 1. Piraja 584 tons in 3 trips. Hellevig 1 161 ton sin 1. Sille Marie Pic ...
Autolines boats in Norway under 30

List number 5. Here is the first list of the auto and line boat in Norway that you can see total trips for each boat. AS can been seen some boats have been over 30 trips,. but Iversen Junoir N-49-VV has been the most to fish, total of 47 trips. on this list Einar was with 37,5 tons in 4 trips and ...
Autolines boats in Norway.over 30

List number 5. Here are all the boats and now you can see the trips. and it is easy to see what boats are fishing in ice and who are freezing. all of t he boats on this are freezing the fish. Valdimar H is the only one that is fishing in Ice, he has landed 14 times. . Nyvoll Senior comes next with ...
Norsk pelagic ship over 50
Kristinn ÞH with full load on gilnets
Pelagic ship in The Faroe

List number 6. Good fishing for the Pelagic ship in the Faroe Islands. . not are 6 ships over 10.000 tons, and 2 of them are over 16.000 tons,. Finnur Fríði was with 9054 tons in 4 trips. Gitte Henning 1 8991 tons in 3 . Christian í Grótinu 6537 tons in 2. Fagraberg 10000 tons in 4 trips. Júpiter ...
Trawler Pálína Þórunn GK only 15 hours fishing, but full boat

Now in April the fishing for the trawlers in Iceland has been relay good. Small trawler name Pálína Þórunn GK that is 29 meters long . went out to fish April at 1400. and came to Sandgerði 10.april at 1800. that means that the boat was only 28 hours harbor to harbor. of this 28 hours the trawler ...
Trawlers in Norway list nr 6
Shrimps boats in
Total trips of boats in Norway.

As you have seen on this page, , there have been a lists of fishing of the boats in Norway. The lists are. Gilnetaboats over and under 14 meters long. Autolineboats that are under and over 30 meters long. Trawlers, and that is also freezer trawlers in Norway. and 2 lists of pelagic ...
Autolines boats in Norway under 30

List number 4. Not many boats comes with fish on this list. Inger Victoria was with 19,7 tons in one trip. Aldis Lind 7,6 tons in 1. Wikeröy 18,4 tons in 1. Reinboen 14,1 tons in 1. We got some new boat on this list, and Evro was with 8,1 tons in 2 trips and went up from seat number 53 to 43. Evro ...
50 years old boat Dagrún HU in huge fishing
Gilnet boats in Norway up to 14 meters long. nr.7

Listi númer 7. now most all of the boats on this list are over 100 tons but the boat in seat number 50 is under 100 tons in fishing. many new boats come on the list and you can see them just by looking at the "Seat Before", and if there is now number there, t. that means that the boat is new on the ...
Gilnetboats over 14 meters long in

List number 8. Veidar came with 446 tons in one trip and is now almost in 1000 tons,. Breivik Junios 233 tons in 1. Skjongholm 172 tons in 1. Nesejnta 49,3 ton in 2. Sjövær 55 tons in 2. Ragnhild Kristine 28,8 tons in 2. Stamsundvæging 28,8 ton sin 2. Storvig 53,6 tons in 4. Klævtind 42,4 ton in 3. ...
2 gilnet boats in Iceland out to fish in a storm.

Gilnet fishing in march in Iceland was good. 6 boats fish over 400 tons, and one of the boats fish over 1000 tons,. Now in april the weather has not been so good, storm and much snow. on 5.april there was big storm all over Iceland and snow , and most of the roads where closed all around Iceland,. ...
Finnur Fríði with full load of blue whiting to Iceland.
Norsk pelagic ship over 50

List number 11. Now many ships from Norway are fishing Blue whiting and in total they have fish on this list 295.000 tons. . 2 ships are over 9700 tons and 6 ships are over 8000 tons,. Gerda Marie 1808 tons in 1 and is now number 1. Österbris 2211 tons in 1. Ligrunn 1456 tons in 1. Brennholm 1940 ...
Gilnetboat Bárður SH with new Icelandic Record

march in ICeland for the gilnet boats has been relay good . 6 boats fish over 400 tons in march and 4 of them fish over 500 tons,. one boat did huge month. the new boat Bárður SH that was build in Denmark 2019 had huge month. because total fishing for Bárður SH in march was 1009,7 tons. This is new ...
Shrimps boats in

List number 2. Trawler Nokasa with 418 tons of shrimp in one trip. this is trawler that has never seen before. Caprice 19,4 tons and with that went over 100 tons of shrimp. Monsun 11,4 tons . Tangen 10,5 tons. Tempo 10,7 tons. Hövgatral 13,6 tons. Jeccica 5 tons in 6 trips. Galant ...
Autolines boats in Norway under 30

List number 3. Inger Victoria with 29 tons in one trips and is still number 1. Norbanken 31,4 ton sin 1. Einar 16,2 ton sin 1. Wikeröy 48,3 tons in 2. Mikkelsen 30,7 ton sin 1. Föniks 38,6 ton sin 2. Karoline Viktoria 11 ton sin 1. Iversen Junior 8,9 ton in 2 and with that the boat went from the ...
Autolines boats in Norway.over 30

List number 3. Österfjord with no fishing on this list , but is still in seat number 1. O.Husby with 203 tons in 1 trip and is now number 2. Fröyanes Junior SF with 540 tons in 1 trip. Nyvoll Senior 182 tons in 1 trip. Koralhav 220 tons in 1. Valdimar H 123 tons in 2, and he is the only boat on this ...
Trawlers in Norway list nr 5
Gilnet boats in Norway up to 14 meters long. nr.6

List number 6. Knudsenfisk is fishing much. he was with 142,6 tons in 7 trips, and is now over 450 tons. . he have now 200 tons more than Leif Helge . Skretind 21,7 tons in 4. Vonvoy 46,3 tons in 6 tripos. Mjásund 85 tons in 6 trips, this boat is brand new. was build 2020. Mjasund Pic Stig Morten ...
Gilnetboats over 14 meters long in

List number 7. On this list most of the big gilnet boats came with full load. Nesbakk was with 339,3 tons in one trip and went to seat number 1. Bjornhaug 45,6 tons in 2. Vonar 435 tons in 1 triops. Fjellmöu 421 tonn í 1. Nesejenta 125 tons in 3. Loran 154 tons in 1. Skjongholm 142 tons in 1. sjövær ...
New boat to Norway

Raymond Bjørkås shipowner from Båtsfjord in Norway received a new boat from Batasmiðjan Trefjum ehf in Hafnarfjörður in Iceland few days ago. The boat is of the type Cleopatra 36B. Raymond himself will be the captain of the boat, three will be the crew of the boat. The new boat is called Frøya. The ...
Norsk pelagic ship 31- 50
Gitte Henning 1. first to come to Iceland.

The pelagic ship in the Faroe Islands have been fishing good this year, and mostly have they been fishing blue whiting. they ships have come to Norway, Ireland and The Faroe islands with blue whiting. but few days ago Gitte Henning 1 came to Iceland to a town name is Fáskrúðsfjörður . that is on ...
Bárður SH over 800 tons.

Gilnet fishing in ICeland has been realy good now in march. but the boats that are fihsing with gilnet are not many. they are only around 30 in total. compare to around 1500 in norway. now when this is written 3 boats have fish over 400 tons. the boat that is the higest one . is Bárður SH and he is ...
Pellagic ship in Iceland nr.5

List number 5. Now in Iceland no capelin is alow to fish and that mean that the ships are mostly fishing now blue whiting,. but they are fishing it far away from ICeland, outside of the Ireland, about 800 miles from Iceland,. now are 4 ships over 5000 tons. . and Hoffell SU is number 1, he was with ...
Huge gilnet fishing in Iceland

In Iceland the boats that are fishing with gilnet are not many, only about 30 in totail in the hole Iceland,. compare that to Norway where the boats are around 1500 that are fishing with gilnet. from Sandgerði and Keflavík that is not far away from Kef airport. the boats have been in a huge gilnet ...
Norsk pelagic ship over 50

List number 10. Now this ships have landed total of 235.000 tons. now mostly of Blue whiting,. 2 ships are now over 8500 tons. Akeröy was with 1659 tons in one trip. Smaragd 2200 tons in one trip. and Bömmelbas came from the first tip this year with about 1000 tons in blue whiting. Bömmelbas Pic ...
New Nesejenta upside down outside of Denmark.

In Norway there is a fishing company called Varsol Fiskeri AS in Lindesnes and they own a boat called Nesejenta VA-87-LS. that boat is the fourth boat the company has made. out, still all the boats are all named the same name,. The current boat is constructed in 2011 and is 32.55 meters long and 9 ...
Trawlers in Norway list nr 4

List number 4. Nordtind is still number 1. Gadus Poseidon was with 755 tn in one triop. Remöy 506 tons in 2. Ramoes 1058 tons in 1. Kongsfjord 1132 tons in 1 , and this trawler is brand new. was build 2020 and this is fishing trip number 2 for the trawler. Nordstar 855 tons in 1. Langenes 291 tons ...
Autolines boats in Norway under 30
Autolines boats in Norway.over 30

List number 2. This is just as the gilnet list over 14 meters. here are just fishiing for the boats that have landed fish that they fish with autoline. on gilnet list you can see boats that are also on this list. like Loran and Veidar . Österfjord is number 1 on this list just with autoline almost ...
Gilnetboats over 14 meters long in

List number 6. This is the first list with new numbers. and what is new to this list is that on this list are . just the boats that are fishing in gilnet. . there are some boats that started the year 2020 with fishing with autoline, but change to gilnet. we can see on top 10 at least 4 boats that ...
3100 tons of blue whiting from 2 ships
Only 5.min from Norway.
5 mín frá Noregi.

Ég segi oft að lesendur Aflafretta séu án nokkurns efa þeir allra bestu. oft á tíðum þá t.d þegar mér hefur vantað myndir af bátum þá hefur það ekki klikkað að ég fæ myndir stuttu eftir að viðkomandi frétt birtist. en þetta hefur aðalega verið af íslenskum lesendum,. Aflafrettir eru ansi vinsæl í ...