Pelagic ship in the Faroe
10.000 tons for autoline boat Sandfell SU

In Iceland there are about 50 boats that are up to 30 tons in size that are fishing with auto line. One of the boats that is fishing with auto line is Sandfell SU that was build in the year 2014. The boat is 14,8 meters long and 29,6 tons in size. . in the year 2016 the boat was sold and got the ...
Iceland-Norway list number 2. in juny
Shrimps boats in

List number 4. Now are many big freeser trawler fishing shrimp. Arctic Swan is the only one that has fish over 1000 tons and he was with 461 tons in one trip. Granit, Nordtind, Langöy, Gadus Njord and Gadus Neptun are all new freezer trawlers in this list. Kongsfjord was with 422 tons in 1 trip. ...
Shrimp boat Valur ÍS in huge fishing
Iceland-Norway list number 1.juny

List number 1. Good start for the boats from Norway in juny on tthis list. as can been seen. . on list number 1, then boat from Iceland Vigur SF is number 1, and number 2 is Selma Dröfn from Norway. Sandfell SU from Iceland number 3 and number 4 is Einar from Norway. On List number 2. then we have ...
Gilnet boats in Norway up to 14 meters long. nr.9

List number 9. Knudsenfisk with no fishing on this list. but Mjásund was with 208 tons in 27 trips and is now also over 500 tons like Knudsenfisk. Mjasund is new boat, was build 2020. Skretind 82 tons in 18. Olstind 64 ton in 26. Elnesfisk 72,2 tons in 16. Rottifisk 76 tons in 14. Setter 63 tons in ...
Gilnetboats over 14 meters long in

List number 10. now are 8 gilnetboats in Norway that have fish more than 1000 tons,. Loran was with 859 tons in 2 trips, ans he is freezing the fish. Breivik Junior 187 tons in 1. Vonar 478 tons in 1. Fiskenes 484 tons in 1. Hellskjær 136 tons in 10. Skomvæfisk 109 tons in 12. Ragnhild Kristine 125 ...
Line boats in Norway under 30

List number 7. Yes here is list number 7. long time since list number 6 came. now are 2 boats that have fish over 700 tons on this list. Inger Victoria was with 148,7 tons in 7 trips. Norbanken 210, tons in 6. SElma Dröfn 113 tons í 8. Einar 116 tons in 9. Aldís Lind 103 tons in 12. Föniks 132 tons ...
Autolines boats in Norway.over 30

List number 7. Now are 12 autoline boats in Norway that have fish more than 1000 tons. and only one of the is not freezing the fish and that is Valdimar H. Österfjord was with 380 tons in 1 trip. Seir 352 ton í 1. O.Husby 517 tons in 2. Valdimar H 339 tons in 5 trips. Fjellmöy 583 tons in 2 trips. ...
Over 1000 tons in may for trawler Drangey SK

Trawler Drangey SK that is new in Iceland had good month in may in Iceland,. Drangey SK came most with 254 tons in one trip, and of that was cod 210 tons,. but the most fishing was in trip number 3, then the trawler was just about 3,5 days at fishing and came . with 209 tons of fish, that is about ...
Trawlers in Norway list nr 8

List number 8. Finale here is a new list of the trawlers in Norway. As can been seen then there are 3 ships in Norway that have fish more than 6000 tons,. Atlantic Star was with 2234 tons in 2 trips. Nordtind 1568 tons in 2. Hermes 2700 tons in 5 trips. Prestfjord 2278 tons in 3 trips. Langenes 1916 ...
Norsk pelagic ship over 50
Iceland-Norway list number 1.May
Gitte Henning with 2700 tons to Iceland.

The Faroese pelagic vessel Gitte Henning arrives to Fáskrúðsfjörður with 2,700 tonnes of blue whiting for smelting. The ship is built in 2018 and is very well equipped. The owner of the ships are from Gata in the Faroe Islands bought the ship from Denmark last year. . The same company is also the ...
Alison Key LK 57
Pelagic ship in The Faroe

List number 7. Now are 4 ships in The Faroe Islands that have fish more than 20.000 tons,. And all of that is Blue whiting,. Finnur Fríði was with 9662 tons in 4 trips. Gitte Henning 8801 tons in 3. Fagraberg 9837 tons in 4. Christian í Gtórinu 8532 tons in 4. Högaberg 12621 tons in 6 trips. Júpiter ...
Kristján HF has fish over 150 tons in may.

Autoline fishing in Iceland now in may has been relay good and many smaller boats that have been fishing . with autoline not far away from Grindavík have been coming with full load day after day,. Autoline boat Kristján HF that is 30 tons boat, did come with 25,2 tons in one trip,. and now in may ...
Pelagic ship in

List number 7. Now are 5 ships in iceland that have fish more than 10.000 tons. most of the ships are fishing blue whiting,. Hoffell SU was with 1477 tons in 1. Beitir Nk 3024 tons in 1. Venur NS 2732 tons in 1. Margrét EA 3151 tons in 2. Huginn VE 3799 tons in 2 and this was landed in The Faroe ...
Autoline boats Beta GK with full load

Now in may, the boats that have been fishing with line and auto line in the south of Iceland have been . fishing relay good. Many of the boats have been fishing from the town of Grindavík with is not far away from the Blue Lagoon. Auto line boat Beta GK that is Cleopatra 38 boat, and is about 15 ...
First trip for trawler Guðmund í Nesi RE over 3.million euros
Rio Solis from Uruguay.
New freezer trawler to Greenland
Pelagic ship in Chile. Vesterveg.

We have been looking at pelagic ship in iceland, Norway and The Faroe Islands. but if we go far away from Europe, and all the way to Chile in South America. Chile is one of the big pelagic country's in the world . and in Chile are many pelagic ship. here is one ship. This name is Vesterveg. And was ...
Old and new Vikingbank in Norway
Cetus R-1-K
Norsk pelagic ship over 50
Shrimps boats in

List number 3. Now on this list we have 3 new freezer trawlers that came with shrimp. Kongsfjord that came with 336 ton. Remöy with 165 tons and Gadus Podeidon that was with 75,4 tons in 1. Arctic Swan was with 419,5 tons in 1 trips and is now with more thatn 800 tons in seat number 1. Nokasa 149,3 ...
Trawlers in Norway list nr 7

List number 7. Now are 4 trawlers in Norway that has fish over 4000 tons,. Atlantic Star came with 1318 tons in 1. Gadus Neptun 720 tons in 1. Gadus Njord 745 tons in 1. Ramoen 1026 tons in 1. Holmöy 1015 tons in 1. Batsfjord 1299 tons in 1. Langenes 574 ton in 1. Tobis 65 ton in 2. Flobjörn 41 ton ...
Line boats in Norway under 30
Autolines boats in Norway.over 30
Gilnet boats in Norway up to 14 meters long. nr.8

List numer 8. Now we have new on this list and that is LENGHT of the boats. . There you can see boats that are under 11 meters long. and Skretind is the highest of the boats that are under 11 meters long. Michelle is number 2 and Elnesfisk is number 3 of boats that are under 11 meters long. But on ...
Gilnetboats over 14 meters long in

List number 9. All the big gilnet boats in Norway and are freezing the fish came with fish now on this list, and they had big loads. Veidar was with 496 tons in 1 trip. Nesbakk 407 tons in 1. Breivik Junoir 391 tons in 1. Fjellmöy 458 tons in 1. Skjongholgm 146 tons in 1. other boats are fishing in ...
Trawler Breki VE with more that 50 tons per day.

April in Iceland has been pretty good for the trawlers. but one trawler has been doing huge fishing with not so long tours. Breki VE is new trawler. was build in China 2018. and is fishing from Vestmannaeyjar in Iceland. But now in Apríl Breki VE have had huge fishing. Trip number 2 was 159,4 tons ...
Iceland-Norway list number 1.April
Sólberg ÓF with well over 1500 tons in one trip.
Sara Karin T-20-L with full load
Boats that fish Taskekrabbe in Norway

The boats that are fishing Taskekrabbe are not big boats. Here is a list with top 10 boat, and hey are all under 10 meters long,. smallest boat is Töröy 4 that is 6,6 meters long and Maken that is also 6,6 meters long. . Hafbla is 6,7 meters long,. but boat Solibas that is 7,7 meters long has fish ...
Kongekrabb fishing in Norway.

Not all boats in Norway are fishing like cod, herring and blue whiting,. there are some boats that are fishing fishing like crabs. Here are boats that are fishing Kongekrabbe. these boats use cage to fish the crabs. here are the top 10 boats. Nordlys is number one and has landed around 9 tons in ...