Freezer trawler Sólberg ÓF with huge trip after 30 days

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In Iceland are total now about 14 freezer trawler. all of them are working the fish in filllets, . Freezer trawler Sólberg ÓF that is the newest and the biggest freezer trawler in Iceland. came to Siglufjörður with huge trip. The trawler was 30 days fishing . and came with total of 1707,5 tons in ...

Top 20 gilnet boats in Norway in august nr.3

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List number 3. Pretty good fishing in gilnet for the gilnet boats in Norway now in august. Hellskjær was with 39,1 tons in 3 trips and with that is now number 1. Björnhaug 58,3 tons in one trip. Hauge Junoir 29,3 tons in 2. Sandfær 38,6 tons in 5 trips. Storvig 18,8 tons in 1. Malangsfjord 15,1 tons ...

Top 20 lineboats in Norway in August nr.3

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List number 3. Old Turbo still fishing well.  now the boat was with 22,7 tons in 4 trips . Vibeke Cathrin was with 30,1 tons in 3 trips and is now in seat number 2. Selma Dröfn 23,1 tons in 3 trips. Föniks 17,1 tons in 1. Aldis Lind 15,8 tons in 3. Austhavet 12,7 tons in 2. Einar 20,3 tons in 2 ...

Lurøybas N-114-L with over 100 tons in one trip.

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Many boats in Norway fish with snurpenot/ringnot.  ore in english purse seine. many of these boats are under 30 meters long and most of them are fishing . like mackrel and herring. but also they are fishing saithe ( ufsi á íslensku ore sei in Norsk). one of this boats is Lurøybas .  N-114-L. This ...

Good fishing for Kvitholmen N-61-Ö

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In Norway are many boats that are fishing with seine. Many of these seine boats pump the fish in RSW tanks and are from there pump back . in fish factory when the boats come in harbour,. Most of this seine boats are 25 to 40 meters long,. but also there are smaller boats that are fishing with ...

Granit H-11-AV with more than 1000 tons.

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In Norway are many trawler that freeze the fish on board the ships,. most of the trawler just cut the head off the fish and freeze the  hole fish and then . when the trawler come to Norway the fish is thaw up in land and work in fish factory in land. But there are some freezer trawlers in Norway ...

Top 20 lineboats in Norway in August nr.2

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List number 2. Old Turbo fishing good.  was now with 27,6 tons in 2 trips and of that 18,9 tons in just one trip. and with this is now number 1. Margareth 15,8 tons in 2 trips. Föniks 11,3 tons in 1. on this list we have also 2 boats that have the same name. in seat number 7 is Skjærgrunn F-30-LB ...

Top 20 gilnet boats in Norway in august nr.2

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List number 2. Klævtind with 12,9 tons in 2 trips and is still number 1. Martin 12,8 tons in 2. Hauge Junoir 15,3 tons in 1 trips and went up 3 seats. Hellskjær 13,1 tons in 1. Nesejenta 12,3 tons in 2. Stamstundværing comes new on the list and 14,6 tons in one trip.  full load. Stamsundværing Pic ...

Norsk pelagic ship over 50

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List number 16. Now have these ship in Norway fish over 700.000 tons.  . and as can been see 5 ships have now fish over 20.000 tons,  and . 4 of them are all over 21100 tons.  . Heröyfjord was with 2161 tons in 2 trips, most of herring and tobis. Vikingbank 1810 tons in 3. Cetus 2432 tons in 3. ...

Top 20 gilnet boats in Norway in august nr.1

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List number 1. Lets start gilnet boats in norway in august. it starts pretty good.  now are 8 boats that have fish more than 10 tons,. and Klævtind I starts number 1 with 20 tons in 3 trips. Klævtind I Pic Aspholm.

Top 20 lineboats in Norway in August nr.1

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List number 1. Good start in august for line boats in Norway.  . and the old Turbo that was number 1 in july starts now in seat number 4, . Turbo and Vibeke Cathrin are the only boats on the list that have been 3 trips . Vibeke Cathrin Pic Frode Adolfsen.

Top 20 trawlers in Norway in July.

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In July there was a list of the top 20 gilnet boats and line boats in Norway. people and sailors in Norway did like this list pretty much, and i am happy about that,. but here is a list of the trawlers in Norway for July,. here on this list we have the trawlers that are freezing the fish and also . ...

Top 20 gilnet boats in Norway in

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List number 4. Final List. Here one this list are gilnet boats in Norway that are not freezing the fish,. but there where 3 other boats that where fishing with gilnet,. Fanöyvag was with 212 tons in 2 trips. Breivik Junior 128 tons in one trip. and Björnhaug 164 tons in 4 trips.   all of these boat ...

Top 20 lineboats in Norway in

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List number 5,. and this is the final list in July. The old Turbo that was build 1957 was now with 20 tons in one trips and with what was with total of 157 tons,. and the higest boat in Norway that fish with line, and not freeze the fish. well done crew of Turbo and this 63 year old boat. Ragnhilde ...

Pelagic ship in The Faroe

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List number 8. Now are 2 ships in The Faroe Islands that have fish more than 30.000 tons,. Fagraberg  was with 1865 tons of blue whiting in one trips. Christian i Grótinu 2638 tons in 1 trip. Borgarinn 4694 tons in 2 trips . Arctic Voyager 3633 tons in 2. Norðingur 4949 tons in 2 trips, . Næraberg ...

Five Trawlers in Iceland with total of 3400 tons in july

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Fishing in July in Iceland has been pretty good for the trawlers. Most of the trawlers in Iceland fish in ice and now in July 4 trawerls. have fish over 600 tons in july per ship. highest is Þórunn Sveinsdóttir VE. that has fish total of 731 tons in 5 trips, and that is about 146 tons in a trip. ...

Top 20 gilnet boats in Norway in

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List number 4. Björnhaug with 59,6 tons in one trip and with that on the top. now are 3 gilnet boats in Norway that have fish over 100 tons.  but also there are 2 more gilnet boats that have fish over 100 tons,. but they are freezing the fish and are not on the list. Martin was with 47,4 tons in 10 ...

Top 20 lineboats in Norway in

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List number 4. Turbo still number one.  was now with 52,9 tons in 9 trips. Ragnhilde Kristine with 31,7 tons in 2 trips. Nordbanken 63,8 tons in 2 trips. Selma Dröfn 27,9 tons in 3. Föniks 42,1 tons in 3 trips. Vibeke Cathirn 51,6 tons in 6. Austhavet 30,9 tons in 3. Myreng Fisk 30,9 ton sin 3. ...

Veidar M-1-G with full load

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In Norway there are many boats that are fishing with autoline,. most of the boats in Norway that are fishing with autoline are freezing the fish. and many of the boat are new. One of the boat that are fishing with auto line is Veidar M-1-G. Veidar is new boat.  was build 2018 and is 55,5 meters long ...

6000 tons in one trip.

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Here on Aflafrettir we have been writing news about ship from Norway that are fishing Krill.  they are fishing it near the south pol. and land in Uruguay, what is about 15,000 km away from Norway,. Now are 3 ships fishing the krill. Saga Sea that is smallest of the ships 84 meters long, and in july ...

Full load of Trash.... and yes also fish

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There was news here on Aflafrettir about good fishing trip from freezer trawler Blængur NK from Iceland when he went to the Barnets sea. Here you can read news about Blængur NK and 3 million euros. But the trawler did not only come with full ship of fish to Iceland,. no, because he also came with ...

Blængur NK with more than 3.million euros

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In Iceland there are now about 14 trawlers that freeze the fish.  most of the freezer trawler cut the fish into fillets. Some of them go all the way to the Barents sea for fishing and when they do that they are mostly fishing cod. One of the oldest trawlers in Iceland now is Blængur NK.  he was ...

top 20 gilnet boats in Norway in

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List number 3. Hellskjær with 34,9 tons in 3 trips and is the only gilnet boat in norway that has fish now over 80 tons,. Hauge Junoir 38,4 tons in 4. Storvig 56,9 tons in 3 trips. Elnesfisk 22,4 tons in 7. Martin 27,7 tons in 6. Malangsfjord is a new boat on the list and was with 38,1 tons in 8 ...

Top 20 lineboats in Norway in

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List number 3. this is the list of the line boats in Norway. all line boats in Norway will be on this, but not the boats that are freezing the fish. Pretty good fishing on this list.  4 boats  have now fish over 70 tons,. Turbo was with 45,2 tons in 6 trips and is now number 1,. Turbo was build ...

Slettholmen N-118-L with over 600 tons in july

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Many boats in Norway are fishing with seine, and most of them come with the fish fresh in tanks . and the fish is pump up from the boats into a fish processing. Now in July one of the seine boats in Norway that has been fishing pretty well is. Slettholmen N-118-L. Slettholmen is build 2007 and has ...

New boat to Norway from Iceland

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Stein Magne Hoff, an operator from Ålesund in Norway, recently received a new boat from Batasmiðjan Trefjar ehf in Hafnarfjörður. The boat is a Cleopatra 42. Stein Magne will be the captain of the boat, two will be in the boat's crew. The new boat is called M / S Tare. The boat is 12.5 meters long ...

top 20 gilnet boats in Norway in

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List number 2. On this list are not boats that are freezing the fish. Many boats that have been in 5 trips . Hellskjær was with 17,1 tons in one trips and is not number 1,. Hauge Junoir 15,9 tons in one trip. Elnesfisk 8,2 tons in 2 trips and went up from seat number 7 to seat number 4. Elnesfisk ...

Mirakh from Russia with full load to Norway

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In Norway there are many trawlers that come there with fish. and many of them are trawlers from Russia. one of the Russian Trawlers came to Tromso early in July. that was trawler Mirakh MK-0381 that was build 2014 and is 63,85 meters long. Mirakh came with total of      1357 tons of fish. most of ...

top 20 gilnet boats in Norway in

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List number 1. As can been seen on this first list Fanöyvag came with 78,2 tons in one trips and he is freezing the fish. Hendanes has been in the most trips ore 4 trips and 7,6 tons of fish. Hendanes Pic Frode Adolfsen.

Top 20 lineboats in Norway in

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List number 2. this is the list of the line boats in Norway. all line boats in Norway will be on this, but not the boats that are freezing the fish. Many new boats on the list and Ragnhild Kristine and Selma Dröfn both with 16 tons in one trip. Föniks with 15,3 tons in one trip. Nymore that was ...

Three trawlers with total of 3358 tons in juny.

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Trawlers in Iceland now in June did fish relay well. so well that 3 trawlers landed in total of 3358 tons of fish. this is the first time that 3 trawlers in Iceland fish over 1000 tons per month. all these trawlers are fishing in ice and not freezing the fish. Málmey SK and Drangey SK went over 1000 ...

3358 tonna afli frá þremur togurum í júní.

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Þá er lokalistin fyrir togaranna í júní komin á Hægt er að skoða hann hérna. Mokveiði var hjá í það minnsta þeim þremur togurum sem efstir voru, því samtals lönduðu þeir 3358 tonnum og er þetta í fyrsta. skipti sem að 3 togarar fara yfir eitt  þúsund tonn á einum mánuði,. Báðir ...

top 20 lineboats in Norway in

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List number 1. This is a small try for the first time. In Iceland has been with similar list for all the fishing boats in ICeland. like auto line, line, gilnet, and  may other for each month and each list is updated many times per month. and that means that people can see on list how ...

Line boats in Norway under 30

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List number 8. Inger Victoria is still number 1.  was with 22,3 tons in 1 trip. Selma Dröfn 67,8 tons in 7. Einar 96,9 tons í 9. Grotle 120 tons in 1, and that is frozen fish. Föniks 51,6 tons in 3. Olafur II 66,9 tons in 8. Norliner 50,4 tons in 7. Lysboen 41,3 tons in 1. Bolga 28,5 tons in8. many ...

Autolines boats in Norway.over 30

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List number 8. Now are 2 autolines boats in Norway that  have fish more than 2000 tons this year. O.Husby was with 620 tons in 2 trips. Österfjord 393 tons in 2 trip. Seir 271 tons in 1. Valdimar H 203 tons.  . in 4 trips, and he is the only boat on this list that is fishing in ice,  not freezing ...

Trawlers in Norway list nr 9

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List number 9. Now are 6 trawlers in Norway that have fish more than 6000 tons. Nordtind came with 975,5 tons in 1 trip and with that went over 7000 tons and on the top. Atlantic Viking 1361 tons in 1. Prestfjord 502 tons in 1. Vesttind 1422 tons in 1. Langenes 1047 tons in 1. Havstrand 1345 tons in ...

Top 10 gilnet boats in Norway in Juny.

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Yesterday i put here on Aflafrettir news about gilnet fishing for Hauge Junior. but i was ask if i could make a list of the gilnet boats in Norway in Juny. no problem. here is top 10 gilnet boats in Norway in Juni,. As can been seen we have 2 boats that freeze the fish om board.  Skjongholm and ...

Hauge Junior gilnet in juny.

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In Norway in juny there have been pretty many boats that have been fishing with gilnet,. in juny Hauge Junior has fish the most, ore total of 154 tons in 12 trips. the biggest catch for the boat is 23,7 tons in one trip. in the last 4 trips the boat did fish well. he landed total of 62,9 tons in 4 ...

Norsk pelagic ship over 50

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List number 15. Many ships in Norway are now fishing tobis, and in total the ships have landed 640.000 tons of fish. One ship Ligrunn is now over 20.000 tons. Heröyfjord was with 7010 tons in 4 trips and has now fish 13440 tons of tobis. Cetus 5037 tons in 3. Odd Lundberg 5831 tons in 4. Vea was ...

Iceland-Norway list number 3. in juny

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Listi nú mer 3. Pretty good fishing for the boats in Iceland,. Sandfell SU on top on list number 1. and he was with 59, tons in 4 trips. Einar in Norway with 22,5 tons in 2 trips and he is the highest of the boat from Norway on this list. Olafur II 22,8 tons in 3 trips. on list number 2 are 3 boats ...