Line and net boats in Norway nr.2

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List number 2. Vestliner came with 402 ton in one trip,. Nyvoll Senior 188 ton in one trip. Havbara 116 tons in 8 trips on net. Skreigrunn 98 tons in 2. Senjaværing 97 tonsin 8 trips on net. Fiskenes 229 tonsin one trip. Skomværfisk 58 tn in 5 trip. If you want to support then click ...

29 meters long trawler with over 6000 tons in 2018

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In iceland there are in total if about 50 trawlers,  about 20 of them are small trawlers that are maximum 29.99 meters long,. this boats can fish up to 3 miles from land. most of this small trawlers in Iceland can hold up top 98 tons of fish on one trip,.  Steinunn SF. The  highest in Iceland in the ...

Norsk Pelagic ship over 50 meters nr.2

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List number 2. Now total of this ships if  63000 tons and most of that is herring,. Liafjord with 1116 tons in one tripa and is still number 1,. Ligrunn 1328 ton in 2. Frantsen Juniur 1049 ton in 1. Gardar 1296 tons in 1. Magnarsonn 1238 ton in 2. Gerda Marie 1111 tons in 2. Akeröy has started ...

Pelagic ship in the Faroe Islands nr.3

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List number 3. Pelagis ship in the Faroe Islands did well in January, total of about 58.000 tons,. Finnur Fríði in now in 7700 tons,. On this List Finnur Fríði was with 5171 tons in 3 trips. Tróndur í götu 4312 tn í 3. Christian í Grótinu 3463 ton í 2. Norðingur 3460 tons in 2. Högaberg 2666 tons in ...

Line and net boats in

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List number 1,. Here is a new list of some of the boats in norway. in this list Aflafrettir try to follow the big Autoline boats in norway, and also more boats that fish with. autoline. like Aldis lind, and also we have boats that are fishing with net, like Havbara and Skreigrunn.  . Fröyanes starts ...

Norsk Trawlers

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List number 2. Many tawlers now coming with fish to Norway,. Havtind 566 tní 2 trips. Langenes 634 tní 1. Ole-Arvid-Nergard 598 tn in 1. Hermes 526 tn í 1. Vesttind 703 tní 1. Tönsnes  415 tní 1. Prestfjord 916 tn í 1 trip. Gadus Poseidon 882 ton in 1. Kagting II 858 tn in 1. If you want to support ...

Norsk pelagic ship 15-30 meters, nr.1

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Listi number 1,. Here in this list 2 boats are over 1000 tons and all boats in this list are fishing herring. Arnöytind the highest one with almost 1800 tons of herring,.  And if you want to support Aflafrettir the click on advertising that are on the page.  thanks. ARnöytind Pic Bjorern Hansen.

Norsk pelagic 31-50 meters. nr.1

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List number 1,. MAny ships fishing herring now in Norway,. and this list is for the boats that are 31 to 50 meters long,. now they have fish around 21000 tons,. Jökul and Tunfisk the highest one..  If you want to support Aflafrettir,  click then on Advertising that are on the page.  thanks. Jökull ...

Norsk Pelagic ship, over 50 meters. nr.1

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List number 1,. well here we start the list of the pelagic ship in Norway over 50 meters long,. now the ship have landed almost 25.000 tons,. and Liafjord start number 1 with almost 3000 tons,.  If you want to support Aflafrettir. click on the Advertising that are on the page.  thanks. Liafjord Pic ...

Foreign Pelagic ship in

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In Iceland only one ship have started fishing herring and that kind og fish, . while there is a pretty large fleet of ships from the UK, Ireland and Denmark catching mackerel and land in Norway,. and these are pretty big boat. at least 3 ships on this list are over 85 meters long. 2 from Denmark and ...

Pelagic ship in The Faroe

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Listi number 1,. Well lets stars with this list in the Faroe Islands,. Is ICeland not ships have started to fish, but in the faroe islands most of the ships have started fishing, and they are fishing. mackerel and blue whiting.  . Finnur Fríði starts on the top.  If you want to support ...

Norsk trawlers nr.2

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List number 2. On this list   Havtind came with 139,5 tons in one trip. and Rypefjord 207 tons in one trip. Hermes 412 tons in one trip,.  And if you want to suppport then click on advertising that are on the page.  thanks. Rypefjord Pic Magnar Lyngstad.

the highest in the North Atlantic. Víkingur AK and Finnur Fríði

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It has now become clear that Finnur Fríð from the Faroe Islands was the most highest pelagic vessel in the North Atlantic, at least compared to the catches from Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Norway. Below you can see the difference between the two vessels. Next after him came Víkingur AK from ...

Pelagic ship in The Faroe Islands.Year 2018

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Final list of the year 2018. Finnur Fríði the highest one in the year 2018 and was just like Venus NS in Iceland, they both went over 60.000 tons. Finnur Friði was with in total 61781 tons, and of  that was herring 14002 tons and blue whiting  almost 36000 tons,. in total of 5 ships went over 50000 ...


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Listi number 1,. Well are going to try to hold on all this year to have this list of the trawlers in Norway. Here is the first list. Havstrand the highest one with 1454 tons in one trip and this is after fishing in desember 2018, and was landed 4.january. Havstrand Pic Eli Poulsen.

Foreign Pelagic ship in

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List number 1,. Well now some ships that are not from Norway have started to fish and come to Norway with both herring and mackerel. here is the first ships that  have come, and as seen they are all from Denmark. Ruth with 2300 tons in one trip. Isafold 1580 tons on herring .  If you want to ...

First boat to land herring in Norway

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Ebbi AK was first on the sea in Iceland in 2019..  Ebbi AK is að 18 tons in sice lineboat. in Norway, a slightly larger boat was the first to land pelagic fish in Norway,. Arnöytind  T-8-S. was the first to land herring. The boat came to Nergard Sild AS in Senjahopen in northern Norway. just after ...

Norsk Pelagic ship, over 50 meters. nr.6

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List number 6. Well we can say that is the final list of the pelagic ships in Norway that are over 50 meters long. Akeröy the highest one with about 29000 tons,. That is relay low, compare to that the highest ship in the Faroe islands is with 54000 tons, and the highest in Iceland is with 61000 ...

Pelagic ship in The Faroe

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List number 18. We can say that this list is the final list of the pelagic ships in the Faroe islands,. On this list Christain í Grótinu came with 1076 tons in one trip and was the higest one in the faroe islands. total of 54182 tons,. Finnur Friði was with 3072 tons in 2 trips. Tróndur í götu 2080 ...

Bátur nr.663. Hlíf GK árið 2001

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ætla aðeins að leika mér og fara aftur í tímann og ekki reyndar langt.  bara til ársins 2001 og ætla að.  leika mér að skipaskrárnúmerunum ,. þótt að þetta séu ekki nema 17 ár aftur í tímann þá hefur mikið breyst á þessum árum ,. margir bátar hafa horfið af sjónarsviðinu. Þessi bátur er númer 72 . ...

Pelagic ship in The Faroe

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List number 17. Ships in the Faroe Islands are now fishing herring and Mackerel,. Christina i Grotinu with 1139 tons in 1 trips and is now in 53.000 tons. Finnur Fríði 1333 tons in 1. Júpiter 1463 tons in 1. Fagraberg 2925 tons in 2. Norðingur 3066 tons in 2. Norðingur is before Ruth from Danmark. ...

Pelagic ship in Iceland .nr.26

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List numer 26. some of the ships now are fishing blue whiting,. like Víkingur AK that came with 2462 tons in one trip, and is now close to 60.000 tons. Beitir NK 1964 tonn. Börkur NK 2116 tons. Aðalsteinn Jónsson SU 1624 tons in 1. If you want to support . .  then click on any ...

Havbryn M-325-H

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In Norway are many freezer trawlers.   most of them are freezer trawlers that freeze the hole fish in the ship and then the fish is thaw up in land and work there, . One of these trawler in Havbryn M-325-H that is from Alesund in Norway. This trawler is build in the year 2013, is 70 meters long and ...

Dögg SU fish well in November

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In Iceland there are many boats that are fishing with line.  both autoline and line in stamps,. the boats are in all sices.  from 7 tons boats up to 1000 tons boats,. but most boats that fish with line in Iceland are of the sice from 13 tons to 15 tons,. and one of this boat . Dögg SU that is 11,9 ...

Freezer trawler Vigri RE , over 10.000 tons

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The fishing season this year 2018 is almost over now in Iceland,. and the fishing for the freezer trawlers have been relay good t his year. not total of 8 freezer trawlers have fish over 9000 tons,. and three of them have fish over ten thousands tons . Freezer trawler Vigri RE that is 67 meters long ...

Norsk Pelagic ship, over 50 meters. nr.5

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Listi  number 5. Now  many ships in Norway over 50 meters long are fishing herring,. and total in this list was 47,000 tons that came from the ships in 3 weeks. and the have landed 1,1 million tons,. Akeröy is still number 1 and was with 2087 tons in 2 trips. Talbor 1401 tons. Heröyfjord  1781 ton. ...

Pelagic ship in The Faroe

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List number 16. Well Christian i Grótinu was with 2036 tn in 2 trips, and with that is now over 50.000 tons,. Borgarinn 1384 tní 1. Högaberg 3551 ton í 3. Næraberg 2871 ton í 2.  If you want to Support  click then on Advertsting that is on the top and the bottom of the page.  ...

Pelagic ship in Iceland .nr.25

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List number 25. Now some ships have been fishing blue whiting. Víkingur AK was with 2084 tons in 1 trip. Beitir NK 2357 ton in 1. Venus NS 2282 ton in 1. Börkur NK 1417 ton in 1. Hoffell SU 1977 tn in 2. Hákon EA 3056 tn in 3 of herring. Guðrún Þorkelsdóttir SU 2187 tn in 2. Hákon EA pic from ...

Video from harbour Sandgerdi in Iceland

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Aflafrettir tried something different few days ago. went to Sandgerdi harbour and took video of all the boats that came there. in total the boats where 10. video is in english and u can see fishing life in the barbour of Sandgerdi. Click here on and then you will go to the video.  the video is about ...

Pelagic ship in the faroe

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List number 15. Christian í Grótinu onlu 69 tons away from fishing over 50.000 tons this year. Was now with 917 tons of herring. Borgarinn 666 tons of herriing. Högaberg 1024 tons . Tummas T 1216 tons and Tummas T is th e higest of herring boats, have fish 2500 tons of herring. Tummas T before ...

Pelagic ship in Iceland .nr.24

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List number  24. Ásgrímur Halldórsson SF with 780 tons in one trip. Beitir NK 1400 tonn in one trip of herring. and Börkur NK 2200 tons in one trip mostly of herring,. in total top 5 ships. have landed 264 thousands tons this year. Börkur NK Pic Hafþor hreidarsson.

Norsk 15 meters boat in

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List number 1,. long time since this list was on here is the first list in November. this is only small part of the boats that are up to 15 meters that are fishing in Norway.  . but gives some clue of how the fishing is  now.  If u want to support click on ...

Over 1.million tons in Norway

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In Norway there any many pelagic ship . they are almost to many to have in a one list. so Aflafrettir took all the pelagic ships in Norway and put boats that are over 50 meters long on a new list. and in Norway now are 78 pelagic ship that are over 50 meters long. and these ship have now this year . ...

Norsk Pelagic ship, over 50 meters. nr.4

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List number 4. Many ships in Norway now fishing herring and on this list total um 77800 tons came from the ships mostly herring,. Vestfart that is down on the list was with 1518 tons. Andrea L 1439 tons. Fiskebas 2064 tons.,. Bömmelbas 1776 tons. Senior 1161 tons and with that went over 10.000 ...

4 trawlers in Iceland over 1000 tons in oktober

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Final list of the Icelandic trawlers in október,. this október  was one of the biggest because never have so many trawlers fish over one thousands tons per one month like they did now. in total there where 4 trawlers that went over 1000 tons,. many of this trawlers are brand new. like . Björg EA. ...

Icefish trawler Björg EA, well over 1000 tons in oktober

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Fishing for the trawlers in Iceland that fish in Ice and come with the fish fresh to land was relay good in október,. one of the newest ice-fish trawlers in Iceland name is Björg EA and is own by Samherji ehf in Iceland,. Björg EA had huge fishing in Október because in total. Björg EA landed 1325 ...

Freezer trawlers in Iceland

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This fish season in ICeland has been relay good, and for the trawlers many ships have now fish over 7000 tons,. in Iceland there are not many freezer trawlers, they are only now 12 in total. this 12 ships have now fish total og 97 thousands thons. 2 ships have now fish over ten thousands tons.  ...

Havprins F-1-B

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There are many boats in norway that are fishing.  some of them fish over 1000 tons per year and others just under 100 tons,. Havprins F-1-B is one of the boats that is not fishing that much per year. Havprins is 10,66 m eters long and 3,9 meters wide and is 12 tons.  build of aluminium 1987 and has ...

Old and new Thor-Arild

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In Norway, there are quite a number of oak boats, many of whom have been change out  for new boats, and one of those who went  out was the boat once called Thor-Arild. Old Thor-Arild was sold in 2016 when the new boat arrived. Old Thor-Arild was constructed in 1986 from oak and was 14.87 meters in ...

Pelagic ship in Iceland .nr.21

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List number 21. Now in Iceland víkingur AK was with 2407 tons in 2 trips. . Beitir NK with 2171 tons in 2 trips and went over 50.000 tons,. Venus NS 1640 tons in 2. Börkur NK 2306 tons in 2 and  both Venus NS and Börkur NK will go over 50.000 tons . Vilhelm Þorsteinsson EA 2302 tons in 2. all the ...