Gillnet boat up to 20 meters.february.nr3
Lineboats in Norway under 20m in

List number 4. Now have 3 boats on this list fish over 100 tons in february. Vibeke Cathrin was with 64,6 tons in 3 trips. Ingvaldson 53,6 tons in 3. Kjell Senior 23,6 tons in 1. Martin 44,9 tons in 3. Austhavet 30,3 tons in 3. Hanna B 34,4 tons in 4. Björn Marthin 26 tons in 6. Berlevagjenta 17,6 ...
Trawlers in Norway , year 2021. list nr 2

List number 3,. Now have 4 trawlers in Norway fish over 2000 tons,. Atlantic Star came with 1156 tons in one trip. Kongsfjord 1025 tons in 1. Remöuy 1698 tons in 2 trips. Sunderöuy 655 tons in 1. Gadus Poseidion 1159 tons in 1. Arctic Swan 293 tons in 1 trip and that was all shrimp. Tenor 29,3 tons ...
Bátar yfir 21 BT í

Listi númer 4. 'Mjög góð veiði hjá báutnum . Indriði KRistins BA með 25 tonní einni löndun . Hafrafell SU 29 tonní 3 enn hann er kominn suður. Einar Guðnason ÍS 23 tonni´2. Sandfell SU 33 tonní 3 en hanner líka kominn suður. Kristinn HU 25,5 tonni´2. Óli á Stað GK 27 tonní 2 og þar af 19,6 tonní 1. ...
Lineboats in Norway year 2021, nr.1

List number 1,. Here is a list that will be going on for the hole year. t his list is not like the others, that are just showing hole month per time. Here in this list are most of all the big autoline boats in Norway and all of them are freezing the fish. but Valdimar H is the only boat that is not ...
Gillnet boats over 20m.february.list nr.3
Huge fishing trip from Ilivileq, over 2000 tons

One of the newest freezer trawlers in the North of Atlantic is Ilivileq. This trawler was build and came to Reykjavík in the middle of the year 2020. The trawler is 81,8 meters long and 17 meters wide. it ias 7344 bhp engine from Bergen disel. the tralwler is from Qaqortog in south Greenland,. Now ...
Norsk pelagic ship over 50

List number 4. Pretty many ships now fishing capelin in Iceland and now they have landed total of 26.000 tons of capelin. on this list Ligrunn was with 1073 tons in 2 trip and has now fish over 5000 tons. Cetus 800 tons in 2. Gardar 778 ton sin 1. Fonnes 1683 tonní 3 and he is fishing herring. Odd ...
Lineboats in Norway under 20m in

List number 3. Vibeke Cathrin was with 40,1 tons in 2 trips and is still number 1. Kjell Senior 30,8 tons in 3. Martin 41,7 tons in 3. Borga 19,8 tons in 2 and of that was 13,2 tons in one trip. Fröya 21,7 ton sin 2. Berleveagjenta 19,6 tons in 2 trips. Leah Marie 17,9 ton sin 4. Live Elise 15,4 ...
Gillnet boat up to 20 meters.february.nr2
Ligrunn with most value in Norway 2020

Aflafrettir have arrived with catch value figures for the boats in Norway,. The vessel with the highest catch value in 2020 in Norway was not a freezer trawler but a pelagic vessel. the vessel Ligrunn H-2-F caught a total of 42048 tonnes in 2020, of which 13750 tonnes were tobis and 10844 tonnes ...
Lineboat over 20m. in Norway, in

List number 1,. 2 boats on t his list are freezing the fish. Stormhav and Trygve B. pretty good start for the boats now in february. . Eldorado has been in the most trips, 4 in total. Eldorado Pic Gjermund Bringsvör. And yes. for support. Gísli Reynisson . Fífudalur 23. 260 Reykjanesbær. Iceland. ...
Lineboats in Norway under 20m in

List number 2. Vibeke Cathrin still number 1 and was now with 35,2 tons in 2 trips. Föniks 23,4 tons in 2 trips. Austhavet 22,4 tons in 2. Bolga 14,6 tons in 3. Trollfjell 20,8 tons in 2. Star viking 9,7 tons in 1. Hanna B 8,2 tons in 1. Trollfjell Pic Svein W Pettersen. And yes. for support. Gísli ...
Norsk pelagic ship over 50

List number 3. Now are many ships fishing capelin in Iceland, and some of them have come to Iceland with Capelin. In total have they fish 10500 tons of capelin and most of the capelin has been landed in Norwayþ. Ligrunn is still number one and is the only ship that has fish over 4500 tons. Selvag ...
Pelagic ship from 20 to 50 m in

List number 2,. Knut Olav with 768 tons in 2 trips and has now stop fishing herring and is fishing cod now. Jökull 354 tons in 1. Sille Marie 1000 tons in 3. Sander Andre 693 tons in 2. Arnöyutind 759 tons in 3. Sulebas 623 tons in 2. Brusöyskjær 688 tons in 3. Brattskjjær 823 tons in 3. Johan Berg ...
8500 tons of capelin from Norsk ships
Trawlers in Norway , year 2020
Autolines boats in Norway.over 30 m, year 2020
Gillnet boats over 20m.january.list nr.6
Lineboat over 20m. in Norway, in

List number 7. Final list. there where more lineboats than this that did fish and most of the are the big autolines boats. But on this list 2 boats did fish over 200 tons, and Valdimar H was number 1. Wikeröy came with 14,5 tons in one trip now. Eldorado 12,4 tons in 1 trip. Valdimar H pic Guðni ...
Gillnet boat up to 20
Beta GK 12 meter boat with full boat of fish

fishing in Iceland in January was pretty good. from the town of Sandgerði many smaller lineboats that are from 11 to 14 meters long where fishing and many of them. did come with over 10 tons of fish per day. autoline boats Beta GK that is 15 tons boats, did fish well the last days in January. in 3 ...
Lineboats in Norway under 20m in

List number 7. Final list for the lineboats in Norway in January . Only one boat did fish over 100 tons on this list . Ragnhild Kristine that was with 116 tons in 8 trips. Einar was withn 12 tons in 2 trips. Föniks 15,4 ton in 1. Austhavet 10,7 tons in 1. bolga 20 tons in 4. Ragnhild Kristine Pic ...
Huge trip for Geir M-123-A, first trip of the year
Gillnet boats over 20m.january.list nr.5
Gillnet boat up to 20
Covid in giant ship Annelies Ilena
Pelagic ship from 20 to 50 m in

List number 1. Now we start with a new list, and this is for pelagic ship in Norway that are from 20 meters long to 50 meters long. now in January the boats have fish total of 41000 tons and most of that is herring,. as can been seen on the list 2 boats have fish over 2000 tons. and Knut Olav is ...
Lineboats in Norway under 20m in
Lineboat over 20m. in Norway, in

List number 6. now have few bigger autolines boats come to norway with fish. Loran came with 500 tons in one trips. but on this list. Valdimar H was with 57,8 tons in 1. and Norbanken 69,8 tons in 2 trips. Both these boats have now fish over 200 tons. Wikeröy 29,6 tons in 1. Bakke JR 16 tons in 1. ...
Pelagic fishing in Iceland 2020. 530.000 tons

Here is final list for the pelagic ship in Iceland for the year 2020. total fishing for this ships was 532,000 tons, and 3 ships did fish over 40.000 tons per ship. Börkur NK was number 1 in ICeland with 46,307 tons. Margrét EA was number 1 in of fishing herring with 12662 tons. Venus NS was number ...