Iceland . 5, small trawlers with 22,000 tons

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In Iceland there are around 50 trawlers. around 20 of them are trawlers that are under 29 meters long. they all have around 1050 bhp engine . and can fish up to 3 miles from land. the year 2020 was pretty good for this 29 meters boats. 13, 29 meters trawler did fish over 3000 tons each. and 5 ships ...

Gillnet boat up to 20

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List number 3. Now have 6 boats on this list fish over 100 tons,. Mjasund was with 66 tons in 7 trips and with that is now number 1. Eros 42 tons in 5 trips. Klævtind 38 tons in 6. Trolltind 26,3 tons in 4 trips. Aud Williksen was with 35,7 tons in 4 trips. Ögutt 30 tons in 67. Mjasund Pic Stig ...

Gillnet boats over 20m.january.list nr.3

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List number 3. Now have 5 boats fish over 100 tons, and Fröybanken was with 25 tons in 3 trips and is still number 1. STorvig 42 tons in 2 trips. Skomværfisk 19 tons in 3. Björnhaug 37,8 tons in one trips. Bakkeværing 27 tons in 4 trips. Senjaværing 20,8 tons in 4 trips. new boat is on the list ...

Lineboat over 20m. in Norway, in

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Listi number 5. Valdimar H with 69 tons in one trips and has now fish 183 tons in january. Norbanken 44,7 tons in one trip. Wikeröy 28,9 tons in 1. Grotle came with 84,5 tons in 1 trips, but he is freezing the fish. Bakke JR 11,9 tons in 1. Grotla Pic Magnar Lyngstad.

Lineboats in Norway under 20m in

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List number 5. only 5 boats have now fish over 50 tons in norway in january,  and here we are writing about line boats that are  under 20 meters long. Ragnhild Kristine was with 14,8 tons in 1 trips and is still number 1. Tommy Juniour 14,5 tons in 1. Selma Dröfn 12,1 tons in 1. Norliner 14,7 tons ...

Norsk pelagic ship over 50

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List number 2. Few more ships have started to fish. Ligrunn was with 1880 tons in 2 trips of herring. Österbris 2300 tons in 3. Ásbjörn Selsbane 1085 tons in 3. Ásbjörns Selsbane Pic EMS photo.

Gillnet boats over 20m.january.list nr.2

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List number 2. Now have 2 gillnet boats in Norway that are over 20 meters long fish over 100 tons. Fröybanken was with 45,2 tons in 5 trips . Skomværfisk 33,5 tons in 4. Storvig 36,9 tons in 2. Björnhaug 29,5 tons in 2. Bakkeværing 35,1 tons in 5. SEnjaværing 35,5 tons in 5. Sandvær 26,5 tons in 5. ...

Gillnet boat up to 20

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List number 2 in January. now have 3 boats fish over 100 tons in Norway on this list. Eros was with 32,7 tons in 4. Mjasund 39,6 tons in 4. Klævtind 22,6 tons in 3. Legöy 45,7 tons in 4. Ludvik 25,5 tons in 3. Hauge Junior 23,4 tons in 3. MT Senior 30,1 tons in 1. Sting Inge 23 tons in 4. Förröy ...

Lineboats in Norway under 20m in

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List number 4. Many new boats on this list.  . Fishing is good. Ragnhild Kristine with 29 tons in 2. Tommy Junior 28 tons in 2. SElma Dröfn 32 tons in 2. Stormen Senior 29,5 tons in 5, i think that the boat is fishing with gillnet. Lene K and Geitingen are new boats on the list. ansi Eggumsværing, ...

Lineboat over 20m. in Norway, in

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Listi number 4. Good fishing bot Norbanken.  the boat was with 77 tons in 2 trips and is now with 152 tons in jan. Valdimar 64 tons in 1. Bakke JR is a new boat on the list. Bakke JR pic Vardo fiskeriservice.

Foreign Pelagic ship in

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List number 1. Now in Norway  some pelagic ship have been coming with herring and mackerel. and as can been seen on the list here.  there are many ships from UK that have been fishing and coming to Norway. Ocean Star is the highest with 3917 tons in 2 trips. Also there are ships from Denmark and ...

Gillnet boat up to 20

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List number 1. Here is the list for the gillnet boats in Norway that are up to 20 meters long. and pretty good fishing for the boats. Eros starts number one with 95,7 tons in 10 trips. but most interesting is Ludvik that is now number 4.  this boat is only 10,9 meters long. Ludvik Pic Geir Vinnes.

Gillnet boats over 20m.january.list nr.1

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List number 1. Finally can make a list with the gillnets boats in Norway. and i am gonna split the boats into 2 lists. here are boats that are over 20 meters long. and the other list is for gillnet boats that are up to 20 meters long. in this first list Fröybanken is number one with ...

Scombrus R-1-H

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Now in Norway have many smaller boats start fishing herring,. some of the boats are under 15 meter long. and one of the is Scombrus R-1-H. Scombrus was build 2014 and is 14,99 meters long and 6,5 meters wide. is has 600 bhp Volvo Penta engine. om board the boat are 3 RSW tanks and the boat can carry ...

Lineboats in Norway under 20m in

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Listi number 3. There are few new boats that come on this list. Neptun ST is new boat and was with almost 8 tons in 5 trips. Föniks 11,7 tons in 2. Ragnhild Kristine with 16,1 tons in one trips and is still number 1. Tommy Junior 19,8 tons in 1 trip. Selma Dröfn 6,5 tons in 1. Neptun Pic Adrian Hoff ...

Lineboat over 20m. in Norway, in

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List number 3. Not many boats that come with fish now on this list. Skomværfisk was with 14,9 tons in one trip. Josberg  9,4 tons in 1. Stormen Senior 6,4 tons in 1. Eldorado 5,1 ton in 1. Eldorado Pic Frode Adolfsen.

Norsk pelagic ship over 50

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List number 1.  year 2021. well last year 2020  the ships on this list did fish total of 1,2 million tons.  . Here you can see the final. list for the ship in norway that are over 50 meters long in the year 2020. On this list are not many boats that have started fishing. only 7 are on this list and ...

Pelagis ship in the Faroe

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List number 1 in the year 2021. lets start this list with the pelagic ship in The Faroe Islands for the year 2021. The year 2020 there where 2 ships that did fish over 50.000 tons.  how will the year 2021 be? Here you can see the final list for the year 2020. Norðingur starts number 1 with 1554 ...

Lineboats in Norway under 20m in

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List number 2. More boats have now started fishing. Ragnhild Kristine was with 12,2 tons in one trips and is still number 1. Norliner 9,5 tons in 1. Tommy Junior and Selma Dröfn have started fishing. Stormen Senior 8,8 tons in 2 trips. many boats are fishin crabs on this list.   like Ingvaldson,  ...

Lineboat over 20m. in Norway, in

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List number 2. Norbanken with 35,1 tons in 1 trips and with that is now number 1. Skomværfisk 32,8 tons in 3 trips and most 17,5 tons in one trips. Josberg 13,7 tons in 2. Arvikssand 11,6 tons in 2. Skomværfisk.  pic from there facebook page.

Line boats in Norway under 30

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List number . and this is the final list for the line boats in Norway that are under 30 meters long. 5 boats did fish over 1000 tons, and 3 of them fish over 1200 tons. On this list Norbanken was with 77,7 tons in 3 trips, and as number 1 in Norway for the year 2020. Inger Victoria 78,2 tons in 3. ...

New Altaire LK 429

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In the UK are many pelagic ships and most of the are not old ships. Company name Altaire Fishing Co Ltd has since the year 2004 own a pelagic ship name . Altaire LK 429 and homeport is Collafirth in Shetland. that ship was build 2004 and is 76,43 meters long and 15 meters wide.  has 10728 bhp engie ...

Lineboat over 20m. in Norway, in

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List number 1. Lets start this list for the year 2021. Valdimar H and Stormhav start both with over 40 tons in one trip each boat. Norbanken 36,3 tons in 1. Stormen Senior is on Gillnet fishing. Stormen Senior Pic Sondre Nathaniel Wilhelmsen.

Lineboats in Norway under 20m in

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List number 1. Lets start this list in the new year 2021. not many boats in this list has started fishing. Norline is the only on this list that have been 2 trips. Ragnhild Kristine starts number 1 with 19,6 tons in one trip. Ragnar Loðbrók.  Tinder and Fröya are fishing krabs. Norliner pic MAgnar ...

Gillnetboats over 20m. in

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List number 2. Final list. This is the final list for the Gillnet boats in Norway that are over 20 meters long in the year 2020. 2 boats did fish over 2000 tons, . and Skjongholm was with 156,5 tons in 1 trips on this list and with that went over 2000 tons. Veiðar 141,8 tons in 1. Fanöyvag 144,5 ...

Gillnet boats from 14 to 20 meters in

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List number 2. Final list for the year 2020. And here is the final list for the 2020 of the gillnet boats in Norway that are from 14 to 20 meters long. and as can been seen Hauge Junior was number one and he is the only boat that did fish over 1000 tons. Klævtind was with 104 tons in 13 trips and ...

Gilnet boats in Norway up to 14 meters long. nr.12

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List nubmer 12. Final list for the year 2020. Yes here we have it,  this is the final list for the gillnet boat in Norway that are up to 14 meters long. Mjásund did fish well in the year 2020.  and was the only boat on this list to fish over 1000 tons,. on this list the boat was with 141 tons in 14 ...

Voyager N-905 number 1 in Norway

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Well. now is the year 2021 started , and many boats, trawlers and pelagic ship have started to fish. and in Norway some pelagic ships and boat have started fishing . And the first pelagic ship to come to Norway with fish is..... Not from Norway!.  Yes this is pretty interesting  because first ship ...

Kristinn SH with over 3,5 million euros

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In Iceland there are about 40 boats that are about 30 tons in size and they are fishing with line. most all of them are fishing with autoline. but one boat is fishing with stamps. This boats name is Kristinn SH.  . The year 2020 was a record year for this boat.  . in total the boat did fish 1769 ...

1,6 million tons in Norway 2020

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Happy new year 2021 jahú hehehhehe. now when the year 2020 is over, then we can look at the pelagic fishing in Iceland, Norway and The Faroe Islands. Start with Norway which is that biggest fishing country in Europe. The year 2020 was good for the pelagic fishing and total fishing was 1,6 million ...

Huge month for Kristinn HU in Iceland,

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Now is the last day of the year 2020.  and here in Iceland December was difficult for boats to go fishing. in the beginning of December a big storms where over Iceland and boats could not go out for fishing . for many days. but one boat kept going even if others boats did not make it out to sea.  . ...

Huge fishing last days of year 2020 in Iceland

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The weather in Iceland this last days of the year 2020, has been good,. now wind and the sea almost like a mirror. In Sandgerði the lineboats there went out to fish today 30.des and also yesterday. . and they did fish well. . Smallest lineboat that went out to fish was Nýi Víkingur NS.  This boat is ...

Arnöytind number 1. Einarson number 2

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Now the year 2020 is almost over, and when this is written there is just about 46 hours to the year 2021. Aflafrettir will look in how fishing was doing in Norway, The Faroe Islands and Iceland . But in Norway we can say that the pelagic fishing is over, for the boats that there fishing. like ...

What will happend with Kirkella H 7?

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Over the years, Hull in the UK has been one of the main shipping locations in the UK for trawlers. trawlers have been carried out. The history of trawling in Hull goes back 100 years, and many trawlers from there. were, among other things, fishing in Icelandic waters and took part in the cod war ...

16 crew member missing after Onega sank

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There have been quite a number of vessels fishing in the Barnetssea and one of the vessels that have been fishing there. is the Russian boat Onega. Onega went to sea from Kirkenes in Norway on December 14 and was fishing near Novaya Zemlya. in Arkhangelsk. The weather there had become very bad and ...

Arctic Viking VN-123

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Yesterday there was a new here on page about freezer trawlers in The Faroe Islands,. There where 4 trawlers on the list,. but there is one more freezer trawler and this trawler is just fishing shrimp,. The trawler name is Arctic Viking VN-123 and this trawler has been in The Faroe ...

Freezer Trawlers in The Faroe Islands 2020

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There are not many freezer trawlers in the Faroe Islands. there are only 4 of them and 3 of them were in full operation all year round. Sjúrðarberg landed 874.4 tons of fish. But it is worth mentioning that this trawler got this name in August 2020, as it was called before. Dorado, before that ...

54 years old boat has fish over 6000 tons this year

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In The Faroe Islands are boats that fish cod , haddock, herring and more. and often this is Pelagic ship.  trawler. line and gillnet boats. But there is only one boat in The Faroe Islands that is fishing sea skeljar, ore sea scallops. And this boat is pretty interesting,. The boat name is Norðheim ...

Lineboats in Norway under 20m in

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List number 6. On this list all of the boats have stop because of the christmas. but there where some boats that did fish. Like Radebe with 2,1 tons in 1 trips, and he is in seat number 44. and Vilde that came with 7,1 tons in one trip. Vilde Pic Magnús Þór Hafsteinsson.

Merry christmas from Aflafrettir

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Aflafrettir wishes you dear readers a Merry Christmas and thank you very much for the year 2020. I have been very pleased with how well you dear readers have taken good care of what the Aflafrettir  is doing. for example with the lists of Norwegian boats and boats in the Faroe Islands,. Looking ...