Trawler Drangur ÁR sank in the harbor

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Town of stöðvarfjörður in the east of iceland. When boats where going to sea around seven o clock in the morning they notice that the trawler. This happend now in the morning of 25,oktober. Drangur ÁR had tilted a lot.  just a little later Drangur ÁR sank to the bottom while laying at the . harbour ...

Steini GK 6 years ago with full load.

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Over the years in Iceland there has always been good fishing for the boats that are fishing with. gilnet and line from south of iceland  like in Sandgerði and Grindavík. Often in Mars and april the boats often come with full load to this towns. Here down is a pic of boat name is Steini GK. this was ...

Edvin Olai N-323-ME

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Lets take a look at a boat that name is Edvin Olai  N-323-ME. This boat was buil in the year 2006, and is made of plast. The boat is 12,85  meters long and 5,5 meters wide.  it has 280 bhp engine . First the boat was just open, but in the year 2016 it was build over the boat, and is that made of ...

Gilnetboat Björn EA with almost 100 tons in okt.

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Gilnet fishing in Iceland now in oktober has been good,  not many boats are fishing in gilnet,  they are only about 12 that are fishing cod. 5 boats are fishing saithe ( sei in norsk ore ufsi á íslensku). one of the boats is only 15 tons in size, and name is Björn EA.  the boat is fishing from ...

Fredöy M-4-HÖ. name number 4 in 5 years

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In Norway are many boats that are fishing there that where build in Iceland. Here is one.  this boat name is  Fredöy M-4-HÖ. The boat is 14,9 meters long and build 2015. Even if the boat has only been in Norway now in 5 years, the boat has had 3 names, and this Fredöy name is name number 4. First ...

29 meters long trawler Harðbakur EA in good fishing

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fishing for the trawlers in Iceland now in Oktober have been good. many trawlers are fishing outside of the east iceland. some of the trawlers are under 29 meters long and they can fish up to 3 miles . one of the is new trawler Harðbakur EA. Harðbakur EA was finish early in this year 2020. and ...

Shrimps boats in

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List number 5. 9 trawlers in Norway have now fish more that 1000 tons of shrimp each ship. and 2 of them have fish over 2000 tons. Arctic Swan 1334 tons in 5 trips of shrimp and he is now with 2600 tons of shrimp. Caprice 110 tons in 87 trips . Arctic Swan Pic Frode Adolfsen.

Most all of crew of trawler with covid19 virus

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Here on was yesterday news about autoline boat in Norway name Stormhav about most of the . crew members that there sick by covid19 virus. in Iceland is a freezer trawler name Júlíus Geirmundsson ÍS. The trawler had been fishing out side the westfjords in Iceland for 3 weeks then the ...

Most of crew of Stormhav F-1-HV with covid19?

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not so long ago there was news here on that all the crew memebers on autoline boat Valdimar GK from Iceland  had . been infected by covid19. in Norway there has not been much that boat crews have been infected with this virus,. But today, the liner Stormhav F-1-HV arrived in Tromsø ...

Seine boat Þorlákur ÍS with 50 tons in one day

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Now lets take a look at seine boat in Iceland. In total there are about 40 boats in Iceland that fish with seine and most of the boat are under 24 meters long. only 5 of the boats are around 28 meters long and longer. one of the boat that is over 28 meters long. is Þorlákur ÍS from bolungarvík in ...

Line boats in Norway under 30

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List number 10. Here are the line boats in norway that are under 30 meters long.  . on that list 5 boats have fish over 800 tons per boat. Grotle is still number one and was with 65 tons in one trips, the boat is freezing the fish. Inger Viktoria 114,5 tons in 6. Selma Dröfn 66 tons in 6. Föniks 82 ...

Autolines boats in Norway.over 30

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List number 9. Österfjod is still number one and he is also the only boat that have fish more than 3000 tons in Norway of the autoline boats. O Husby was with 280 tons in 1 trips. Seir 285 tons in 1 . Rolf Ásbjörn came with full load 646 tons in 1 trip. Leinebris 285 tons in 1. Valdimar H 75 tons in ...

The smallest Mackerel fishing boat in Norway Trym-75-A

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Few days ago here on Aflafrettir, i wrote a new about the smallest boat in Norway that is fishing mackerel. The boat name is Trym-75-A. You can read the news here. The picture that was with that news show Trym lande mackerel but it was taken far away and did not show the boat well. but here more ...

Pelagis ship in the Faroe

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List number 13. Now the total fishing for the pelagic ship in the Faroe Islands is about 406,000 tons. 7 ships have fish over 30.000 tons each, and one ship Fagraberg has fish over 40.000 ton,. Now are most ships fishing herring. on this list  Fagraberg was with 3393 tons in 2. Finnur Fríði 4251 ...

Autoliine boat Beta GK did logo in the sea

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Now in the year 2020, in a time of great technological change, it is possible to monitor boats and planes at home in the living room, because. both of these devices leave behind a track  that can be tracked. it is very well known when airplanes create a  logo and you can see that like in ...

Pelagic ship in

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List number 13. Now in Iceland all the ships that are fishing there  have fish over 10.000 tons each,. in Total they have fish 437,000 tons,. and now are most of the ships fishing herring,. Börkur  NK was with 7734 tons in 8 trips and is now number 1 with about 38.000 tons,. MArgrét EA was with 7734 ...

Smallest boat in Norway that fish Mackerel. Trym M-75-A

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In Norway now have boat been fishing good on Mackerel. and the boats that have been fishing with hooks have come fully loaded to harbour. Like this news is about. But not all the boats in Norway that are fishing mackerel are big. Vidar Hareide that lives in Fosnavög in Norway has probably the ...

Gilnet boats in Norway up to 14 meters long. nr.9

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List number 9. Pretty good gilnet fishing in Norway  for the boat on this list. Mjásund was with 481 tons in 82 trips and that is 5,8 tons . Knudsenfisk 79 tons in 19 trips. Elnesfisk 321 tons in 83 trips and that is 3,9 tons in trip. Hendanes 185 tons in 65 trips. Mjasund pic Stig Morten Paulsen.

Gilnetboats over 14 meters long in

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List number 12. Pretty long time since updated this list of gilnet boat in Norway that are over 14 meters long. but now on this list we can see that 13 boats have fish more that 1000 tons this year. most of the are freezing the fish, but the smallest boat that have fish over 1000 ...

Good mackerel fishing in Norway. Fredöy M-73-HÖ.

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Now in Norway has been good fishing of mackerel. both fishing from the pelagic ships and also for the boats that are fishing with hooks. In Fosnavog in Norway have been many boats coming with mackerel. and here is a pic of one of the boats. this boat is  not big,  he name is Fredöy M-73-HÖ. The boat ...

New trawler Senja TF-1-T in Norway

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Now we have the new list of the trawlers in Norway.  list number 12. You can look at the list here. On That list was Trawler Senja  TF-1-T  fishing good, over 800 tons in one trip. but who is SEnja,. Senja is a brand new freezer trawler. that was build in Vard Brattvaag in Noorway and was finish in ...

Trawlers in Norway list nr 12

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List number 12. Now have 3 trawlers in Norway fish over 9000 tons, and Prestfjord is only 37 tons away from fishing over 10,000 tons,. Prestfjord was with 686 tons in one trip. Norddind 411 tons in 2. Atlantic Viking 781 tons in 1. Havbryn 993 tons in 1. Hermes 722 tons in 1. Atlantic Star 895 tons ...

Big fishing on mackerel in Norway

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while Icelandic fishermen who intended to catch mackerel on hooks and were ready to fish. even then it turned out that there was no fishing because there was no mackerel,. fishermen on the hook boats in Norway have been fishing pretty well on mackerel . here is a picture of the boat Marie Emilie ...

Knester H-58-AV

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Now in Norway many pelagic ships are fishing herring and Mackerel. Here is one of them. This is Knester H-58-AV. Knester is 71,1 meters long and 14,4 meters wide.  Knester has 6120 bhp engine. Here he was with 1020 tons of herring that he landed in Kalvag in Norway. Pics Guðmundur Karl Ólafsson.

Krill Season over - total fishing over 200.000 tons.

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Here on we have been writing about the krill fishing. Three big ships have been fishing krill close to the south pole and . the ships come in land in Uruguay.  All this 3 ships are in own of company's from Norway. Now the Krill season is over this year. In total these 3 ships have ...

30 ton boat in Iceland stranded, all 4 crew member got rescued

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When sailing to harbor in night captains of the boat and ship have to look at all the instrument that are on the boat to sail . the right way to the harbour.   most of the boats ship sails after navigation system. In Iceland now 4.oktober 2020 was a boat name Auður Vésteins SU that is 15 meters long ...

SKAGØYSUND T-23-T, over 3000 tons this year

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Here on we have been looking at boats from many countrys but mostly from Norway. in Norway are well over 5000 boats og all size. many boats that are under 40 meters long and they are often fishing with seine and ourse seine. One of them is SKAGØYSUND T-23-T.  . This boat was build in ...

Trawlers in Iceland in Sept, 6 fish over 700 tons per ship

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Now in Iceland the fishing for the trawlers was good. In total then 15 trawlers fish over 500 tons per ship. and is this is Bergey VE that is undir 29 meters long trawler.  Bergey VE was with 517 tons in 7 trips. 6 trawlers did fish over 700 tons, and . Kaldbakur EA was  number one with 931 tons in ...

MS Atløy, 89 years old boat in Norway.

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Here is a old boat that is in Norway.,. this is Atlöy. . It was delivered in 31.oktober 1931, and that means that this boat is 89 years old. It is 26,1 meters long and 5,4 meters wide.. this ship was mainly used in cargo and passenger transport most of its lifetime. first could carry 103 passengers. ...

Norsk pelagic ship over 50

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List number 17. Now are many pelagic ship in norway that are on this list and are over 50 meters long stared to fish herring. The ships have now landed almost 201,000 tons of herring,. now are 10 pelagic ships in Norway that have fish over 20.000 tons per ship. Christina E was the highest on this ...

Mosken N-666-MS

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Lets take a look at a boat that got a new name now in april 2020,. this is a boat that have the name Mosken N-666-MS. This boat was build 1993 in Saltdalsverflet AS in Norway, and is 27,15 meters long and 7 meters wide,. When the boat was build the boat was 23,05 meters long, in the year 2002 the ...

4x Brattholmen and 2x Brattholm.

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Inj Norway are almost 5000 boats. and often it is like some boats have the same name. Here we will look at 6 boats that all have well, almost the same name. 4 boats have the name Brattholmen. and 2 boats have the name Brattholm. If we look at the boats that have the name Brattholmen.  . then we have ...

All 14 crew members with Covid-19

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This virus Covid 19, Coronavirus is almost taking over the world. almost every country in the world has now people that have been confirmed to have covid-19. In Iceland have been confirmed 2601 cases of Covid -19 since 1.march 2020. Now in september most of the cases have been with people that lives ...

Sólberg ÓF from Iceland with over 10.000 tons

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In Iceland are not  many Freezer trawlers, they are only 13. and all of the work the fish in fillets,   . Now in Iceland 3 trawlers have fish over 7000 tons,. and the newest freezer trawler in Iceland and the biggest one is Sólberg ÓF. Sólberg ÓF was build 2017, and is 80 meters long amd 15,4 meters ...

Taresund from Norway

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In Norway are many boats that , well they dont fish. in stead they take kelp from the sea and that is put to land and dry and work . One of the boats that do this Kelp ore Tare is this boat. This boat name is Taresund and was build in the year 2017 in Hellesöy Verft AS in Norway. The boat is 17,17 ...

New pelagic ship Astrid to Denmark

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Here on we have been writing news about new pelagic ship that . are in building. and the newest is for company in Denmark.  Astrid Fiskeri AS and this company is a family own company with Leif Johansson that is. 85 years old and he is still active in the company. The company have now ...

Ocean LL-677 from Sweden

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Lets take a look at another boat from Sweden. This is boat is pretty old, . the boat is name Ocean LL-677 and was build in Esbjerg in Denmark in the year 1961. the boat is 19,06 meters long and 5,56 meters wide. om board the boat is a 370BHP engine. The boat can carry 21,3 tons of fish iin the fish ...

Trawlers in Norway list nr 11

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List number 11. Now are 4 trawlers in Norway that have fish over 8000 tons,. Prestfjord is still number one. Nordtind was with 580 tons in one trip and has now fish over 9000 tons, just as Prestfjord. Atlantic Viking 946 tons in 1. Havstrand 1832 tons in 2 trips, and jump up from seat number 12 to ...

Nautic LL-207 from Sweden

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In the sea between Denmark and Norway are often many boats fishing,  most of them are small trawlers from Norway, Danmark. and Sweden. Here on Aflafrettir we have not often talk about boats from Sweden,. but here is one that one of the readers of Aflafrettir saw and took pic of. this boat name is ...

Tenor VA-19-S is a Norsk boat, not Dansk.

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Yesterday here on Aflafrettir was news about fishing of breiflabb in Norway. Here can you read it. In that news said that the boat Tenor VA-19-S as number one at in the news it was said that the boat was not from Norway, but in stead  from Denmark. That was not correct,  many people contact ...