Gitte Henning 1. first to come to Iceland.

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The pelagic ship in the Faroe Islands have been fishing good this year, and mostly have they been fishing blue whiting. they ships  have come to Norway, Ireland and The Faroe islands with blue whiting. but few days ago Gitte Henning 1 came to Iceland to a town name is Fáskrúðsfjörður . that is on ...

Bárður SH over 800 tons.

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Gilnet fishing in ICeland has been realy good now in march. but the boats that are fihsing with gilnet are not many. they are only around 30 in total. compare to around 1500 in norway. now when this is written 3 boats have fish over 400 tons. the boat that is the higest one . is Bárður SH and he is ...

Huge gilnet fishing in Iceland

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In Iceland the boats that are fishing with gilnet are not many,  only about 30 in totail in the hole Iceland,. compare that to Norway where the boats are around 1500 that are fishing with gilnet. from Sandgerði and Keflavík that is not far away from Kef airport. the boats have been in a huge gilnet ...

Autolines boats in Norway under 30

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List number 2. Here is list of the autoline and ansi boat that fish with stamps in Norway,. This is just line boats not gilnet. here you can see Ragnhilde Kristine that also is on the gilnet list. Inger Victoria starts number 1, and he is about 21 meters long. The boats in seat number 3   5    6   7 ...

Gilnetboats over 14 meters long in

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List number 6. This is the first list with new numbers. and what is new to this list is that on this list are . just the boats that are fishing in gilnet.  . there are some boats that started the year 2020 with fishing with autoline, but change to gilnet. we can see on top 10 at least 4 boats that ...

3100 tons of blue whiting from 2 ships

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Not  many pelagic ship from Iceland have been fishing, but some of the have been fishing. blue whiting , but they have to fish it far far away from Iceland.  . they are fishing out side of the ireland.  and that is in about 800 miles from Iceland,. but it has been relay  difficult to fish so far ...

Only 5.min from Norway.

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I often say that Aflafrettir readers are   the best. often at times, for example, when I have been missing pictures of boats it has not clicked that I get pictures shortly after the relevant news is published. but this has been mainly by Icelandic readers,.  is quite popular in ...

5 mín frá Noregi.

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Ég segi oft að lesendur Aflafretta séu án nokkurns efa þeir allra bestu. oft á tíðum þá t.d þegar mér hefur vantað myndir af bátum þá hefur það ekki klikkað að ég fæ myndir  stuttu eftir að viðkomandi frétt birtist. en þetta hefur aðalega verið af íslenskum lesendum,. Aflafrettir eru ansi vinsæl í ...

Norsk pelagic ship over 50

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List number 9. Now all the ships in Norway are fishing blue whiting. and total they have fish 187.000 tons. 2 ships are over 8500 tonns,. Manon is now number 1 and was with 3812 tons in 2 trips. Österbris 4415 tons in 2. Rogne 3232 tons in 2. Storeknut 3222 tons in 2. Kings Bay 2261 tons in 1. ...

3 ships with 66.000 tons

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There are many boats that are in owns of companies in Norway. Aker Biomarine Antarctic in Norway has three big ships that all are fishing krill many thousands kilometers from Norway,. These 3 ships are fishing this small fish that is called krill close to the Antarctica. But what is Krill. Krill are ...

Gilnetboats over 14 meters long in

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List number 4. Good fishing on this list. Björnhaug was with 145 tons in 9 trips. Breivik Junoir 186 tons in 8 trips. Skjongholm 154 tons in 8 trips. Ragnhild Kristine 97 ton sin 6. Hellskjær 58 tons in 5. Stig Harry 97 ton sin 5 and the boat jumps up 9 seats. Tommy Junoir 65 tons in 6 trips. ...

Seine boat Steinunn SH with full boat of cod

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The fishing in Iceland has been relay good in feb and also now in march. seine boats that are fishing from SAndgerði and Snæfellsnes have all been fishing well. Boat Steinunn SH had a huge day 9.march. The boat came to Ólafsvík with everything full of fish. the boat was only 15 hours at sea. but ...

Full boat of cod for Mána II ÁR

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In Iceland the fishing has been relay good in autoline and gilnet in february and now mars starts well also. line boat Máni II ÁR went out with 12000 hooks that is about 29 stamps and he went out from town of Þorlákshöfn. he had huge cod fishing. and came to Þorlákshöfn that is a town in Iceland ...

Huge autoline fishing for 2 boats. Hafrafell SU and Sævík GK

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In Iceland last 3 days have the autoline boats that are fishing out from Grindavík and Sandgerði had huge cod fishing,. here are 2 small news about huge fishing. first is Hafrafell SU .  Hafrafell SU is about 25 tons boat.  . but he came first with 26,4 tons in one trip and of that was cod 23,9 ...

New boat to Esköy in Norway

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Esköy in Norway is a company that is own by brothers from Iceland,. Helgi and Hrafn sigvaldasynir. . Some years ago they got new boat that was named Saga K. and that boat was about 15 meters lengd and he was fishing with autoline. all year and did fish wll over 1000 tons every year.  now that boat ...

New boat Bárður SH is huge gilnet fishing.

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Captein Pétur has for the last 20 years had boat that name is Bárður SH and has mostly be fishing in gilnet,. the old boat was about 29 tons boats 15 meters long . last year he had new boat that also got the name Bárður SH. and that boat is 153 tons and 27 meters long,. but what is interesting about ...

Big gilnet fishing in Sandgerði in Iceland.

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gilnet boat that have been fishing out from town of Sandgerði in Iceland.   have been fishing so much last days that . some of the boats have to go out 2 times to finish taking all the gilnets. Here are some pic from the day 26.feb.2020. Sunna Líf GK came with almot 7 tons in just 30 gilnets and he ...

Gilnet boat Langanes GK from Iceland rescued

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23.feb.2020. gilnet boat Langanes GK went out to sea fishing cod in gilnet out from Sandgerði. they had small engine failure . and had to been town back to land. a rescue boat came out from Sandgerði, boat name Hannes Þ. Hafstein with crew of 5 men. sea was ruff and storm out side. Hannes Þ.Hafstein ...

Iceland-Norway . New boat on the list

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Now on has been since 1.january 2020 a list with a boats from Iceland and Norway. They are split in 2 lists. List 1.  is boat that are over 11 meters long and over 21 tons in size. . you can see the list here down below. on list number 1, that is boat under 11 meters long and undir ...

Huge fishing for Margrét GK , only 3 trips.

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In ICeland the weather has been pretty bad. but when the weather has been better the autoline boats that are fishing from the town . of Sandgerði have been fishing pretty well. at least that did the crew of 3 men on the boat name Margrét GK . MArgrét GK was build 2019 and is 13,2 meters long and 4,2 ...

Old Atlantic M-19-A with most value of autoline boats in Norway.

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Maybe it is like comparing apples and oranges to comparing the Icelandic line boats that everyone is fishing in ice and land for processing. and to compare them with the Norwegian line boats, at least the big Norwegian line boats, because they are all frozen fish on board,. nevertheless it is ...

Big Avalanche in Flateyri. part 5.

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Now it almost 3 weeks since the big avalanche came to the town of Flateyri on the vesten part in Iceland. 6 boats got much damage and are probably destroyed  . Now the status is that 5 boats have been lifted from the sea. and as can been seen in t he pics here down blow. the boat Sjávarperlan ÍS  is ...

New boat to Norway

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Company Trefjar in Iceland that built boats that name is Cleoparta was building a new boat that is  now in Norway. There's a huge quota on this new boat,. therefore the total quota of the boat is 1043 tons. because of that, haddock is 557 tonnes. saithe  375 tons. and cod 40 tons. plus 72 tonnes of ...

Old pic of Icelandic boat fishing capelin

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Since icelandic boats started to fish capelin in the year 1965 many boats have been fishing capelin,. here is one. this boat named Dagfari ÞH and he was fishing capelin in 30 years. most of the capelin came to Sandgerði and full load of  Dagfari ÞH was about 530 tons,. This boats was sold to scrap ...

Sólberg ÓF highest in Iceland 2019.

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In Iceland there are total of 12 freezer trawlers. and all of them are working the fish in fish fillets. Now the total value for the Icelandic freezer trawlers was in total of 213,8million pounds. In Norsk kronas that is about 2,6 billion norsk kronas. The newest freezer trawler in Iceland is ...

Kings Bay first to Norway with blue whiting

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Now the fishing for blue whiting has finally started for the pelagic ships from Norway. Kings Bay and Akeröy where the first to go fishing the blue whiting. and Kings Bay was the first to come to Norway with full load of blue whiting. Kings Bay was built in 2103 and is 77.5 meters long and 16.6 ...

Big Avalanche in Flateyri. part 4.

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Now it is almost one week since the big avalanche came on the town of Flateyri. in the westfjords in Iceland. and got in the harbor where 6 boats got badly damage. To rescue the boat they have been using a boat name is Fosnakongen and he is from Norway. Here down belown you can read all the other ...

New autoline boat Páll Jónsson GK to ICeland

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In the town of Grindavík in Iceland. there is a company name Vísi ehf.  Vísir ehf now owne 5 autolines boats, all that are green in color. for the last 4 year Vísir have been rebuilding 2 autoline boats in Poland. and yesterday came for the first time to Grindavík. a new boat that name is Páll ...

Big Avalanche in Flateyri. part 2.

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Here on yesterday was news about huge  avalanche that came to Flateyri small town in the west of ICeland,. this big avalanche made a big mess in the harbour in Flateyri and total of 6 boats sunk ore are much damage. only one boat did not damage,   . Here are new pics from the harbor ...

Big Avalanche ore snowflood in Iceland. 6 boats much damage

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The weather in Iceland since 1.january 2020 has been what we can say, horrible. it has been storm after storm and it has snow relay much. In the Westfjords there has been snowing so  much for the last days that the roads all around there . have been closed for many days  now,. many mountains are in ...

Highest trawlers in Iceland 2019

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the year 2019 was pretty good in ICeland for the Trawlers . All of these trawlers are fishing in ice, and is what we can call . fresh fish trawlers. 15 of them went over 5000 tons,. 12 of them went over 6000 tons. 9 of them went over 7000 tons. 6 of them went over 8000. but what happen is that in ...

Highest autoline boats in Iceland 2019

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The big autoline boats in Iceland in this list are in total 14,. 4 of the fish over four thousands tons. all of these boats are landind fresh fish, . no autoline boats in Iceland freeze the fish like they do in Norway. cod is that most of these autoline boats are fishing in ICeland. . Jóhanna ...

Olafur F-32-TN

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in the year 2006 in Iceland a boat was built that was 11 meter long 15 tons in size. and that boat got the name Auður Vésteins GK. The boat was fishing until it was sold in the year 2015. Kaptein Ólafur F Einarsson from Iceland bought the boat and moved to Norway with the boat. in Norway the boat ...

Pelagic ship in Iceland.

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list number 14,. now in iceland many ships are fishing mackerel  and are doing well. Total of 75.000 tons are of mackerel. total of what the iceland pelagic ship have come with is. 317.000 tons,.  If you want to support then click on the advertising that are on the page, thanks. ...

Roaldsen and Akeröy to Iceland, Akeröy found capelin

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In Iceland now in the wintertime most of the icelandic pelagic ships have been fishing capelin,  now this season no ship have found capelin and thats way  most of the ships are waiting for quota for the capelin,. ships from Norway have been fishing capelin in iceland in the wintertime for many ...

29 meters long trawler with over 6000 tons in 2018

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In iceland there are in total if about 50 trawlers,  about 20 of them are small trawlers that are maximum 29.99 meters long,. this boats can fish up to 3 miles from land. most of this small trawlers in Iceland can hold up top 98 tons of fish on one trip,.  Steinunn SF. The  highest in Iceland in the ...

Foreign Pelagic ship in

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In Iceland only one ship have started fishing herring and that kind og fish, . while there is a pretty large fleet of ships from the UK, Ireland and Denmark catching mackerel and land in Norway,. and these are pretty big boat. at least 3 ships on this list are over 85 meters long. 2 from Denmark and ...

the highest in the North Atlantic. Víkingur AK and Finnur Fríði

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It has now become clear that Finnur Fríð from the Faroe Islands was the most highest pelagic vessel in the North Atlantic, at least compared to the catches from Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Norway. Below you can see the difference between the two vessels. Next after him came Víkingur AK from ...

First boat to land herring in Norway

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Ebbi AK was first on the sea in Iceland in 2019..  Ebbi AK is að 18 tons in sice lineboat. in Norway, a slightly larger boat was the first to land pelagic fish in Norway,. Arnöytind  T-8-S. was the first to land herring. The boat came to Nergard Sild AS in Senjahopen in northern Norway. just after ...

Havbryn M-325-H

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In Norway are many freezer trawlers.   most of them are freezer trawlers that freeze the hole fish in the ship and then the fish is thaw up in land and work there, . One of these trawler in Havbryn M-325-H that is from Alesund in Norway. This trawler is build in the year 2013, is 70 meters long and ...